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D&D 5e (2014) Varied ʰ 
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20 Classes (official and unofficial)

Class Hit Die Prereq Class Features Class Summary Canon Sources
Artificer d8 Magical Tinkering Spellcasting Infuse Item Artificer Specialist The Right Tool for the Job Ability Score Improvement Tool Expertise Flash of Genius Magic Item Adept Spell-Storing Item Magic Item Savant Magic Item Master Soul of Artifice This magic user produces magic through arcane devices and substances Yes Eberron Rising from the Last War
Barbarian d12 Rage Unarmored Defense Reckless Attack Danger Sense Primal Path Ability Score Improvement Extra Attack Fast Movement Feral Instinct Brutal Critical Relentless Rage Persistant Rage Indomitable Might Primal Champion Warriors from outside civilization Yes SRD-OGL v5.1
Bard d8 Bardic Inspiration Jack of All Trades Song of Rest Bard College Expertise Ability Score Improvement Font of Inspiration Countercharm Magical Secrets Superior Inspiration Masters of song and tale. Yes SRD-OGL v5.1
Cleric d8 Spellcasting Divine Domain Channel Divinity Channel Divinity Ability Score Improvement Destroy Undead Divine Intervention Warrior Priests Yes SRD-OGL v5.1
Cleric d8 Spellcasting Divine Domain Channel Divinity Channel Divinity Ability Score Improvement Destroy Undead Divine Intervention Warrior Priests Yes SRD-OGL v5.1 SRD-CC v5.1
Druid d8 Druidic Spellcasting Wild Shape Druid Circle Ability Score Improvement Timeless Body Beast Spells Archdruid Yes SRD-OGL v5.1
Druid d8 Druidic Spellcasting Wild Shape Druid Circle Ability Score Improvement Timeless Body Beast Spells Archdruid Yes SRD-OGL v5.1 SRD-CC v5.1
Expert Bonus Proficiencies Helpful Cunning Action Expertise The Right Tool for the Job Ability Score Improvement Coordinated Strike Evasion Inspiring Help Reliable Talent Sharp Mind This sidekick is an master of knowledge Yes Tasha's Cauldron of Everything
Fighter d10 Fighting Style Second Wind Action Surge Martial Archetype Ability Score Improvement Extra Attack Indomitable Warriors, Archers, Mercenaries, Guards, Enforcers No Varied
Monk d8 Unarmored Defense Martial Arts Ki Unarmed Movement Dedicated Weapon Monastic Tradition Deflect Missiles Ki-Fueled Attack Ability Score Improvement Slow Fall Quickened Healing Extra Attack Stunning Strike Focused Aim Ki-Empowered Strikes Evasion Stillness of Mind Purity of Body Tongue of the Sun and Moon Diamond Soul Timeless Body Empty Body Perfect Self Yes SRD-OGL v5.1
Mystic d8 Psionics Mystic Order Mystical Recovery Ability Score Improvement Strength of Mind Consumptive Power This class uses psionics. No UA Psionics and Mystic v2
Paladin d10 Divine Sense Lay on Hands Fighting Style Spellcasting Divine Smite Divine Health Sacred Oath Ability Score Improvement Extra Attack Aura of Protection Aura of Courage Improved Divine Smite Cleansing Touch Temple guards and holy warriors Yes SRD-OGL v5.1
Ranger d10 Deft Explorer Canny Favored Enemy Favored Foe Natural Explorer Fighting Style Spellcasting Spellcasting Focus Ranger Archetype Primeval Awareness Primal Awareness Ability Score Improvement Martial Versatility Extra Attack Roving Land’s Stride Hide in Plain Sight Nature’s Veil Vanish Feral Senses Foe Slayer Warriors of the Wilderness Yes SRD-OGL v5.1
Ranger Revised d10 Favored Enemy Natural Explorer Fighting Style Spellcasting Primeval Awareness A revised version of the ranger class. No UA Revised Ranger
Rogue d8 Expertise Sneak Attack Thieves' Cant Cunning Action Roguish Archetype Ability Score Improvement Uncanny Dodge Evasion Reliable Talent Blindsense Slippery Mind Elusive Stroke of Luck Assassins, thieves, scoundrels, and spies Yes SRD-OGL v5.1
Sorcerer d6 Spellcasting Sorcerous Origin Font of Magic Metamagic Ability Score Improvement Sorcerous Versatility Magical Guidance Sorcerous Restoration Natural Arcane Spellcasters Yes SRD-OGL v5.1 SRD-CC v5.1
Spellcaster Bonus Proficiencies Spellcasting Ability Score Improvement Potent Cantrips Empowered Spells Focused Casting This sidekick is a practitioner of magic Yes Tasha's Cauldron of Everything
Warlock d8 Otherworldly Patron Pact Magic Eldritch Invocations Pact Boon Ability Score Improvement Eldritch Versatility Mystic Arcanum Eldritch Master Warlocks draw their magical powers from an otherworldly patron Yes SRD-OGL v5.1
Warrior Bonus Proficiencies Martial Role Second Wind Improved Critical Ability Score Improvement Extra Attack Battle Readiness Improved Defense Indomitable This sidekick is a martial professional Yes Tasha's Cauldron of Everything
Wizard d6 Spellcasting Arcane Recovery Arcane Tradition Cantrip Formulas Ability Score Improvement Spell Mastery Signature Spell Wizards use formulas of word, gesture, and components to produce magic. Yes SRD-OGL v5.1


see: Multiclassing [1]

Sources and Notes

See above

  1. Wizards RPG Team. SRD-OGL v5.1 (5e 2014) (2015.05.06). Wizards of the Coast.