Page values for "Publicaiton:The Rise of Tiamat"

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"Publication" values

1 row is stored for this page
FieldField typeValue
Sort_TextStringThe Rise of Tiamat
TitleStringThe Rise of Tiamat
SystemStringDungeons and Dragons 5e
AuthorList of String, delimiter: , Wizards RPG Team
AllAuthorsString of wikitextWizards RPG Team
PublisherStringKobold Press, Wizards of the Coast
Publication_DateStringNovember 2014
Previous_WorkStringHoard of the Dragon Queen

"5e_Adventure_Creature_xRef" values

1 row is stored for this page
FieldField typeValue
AdventureStringThe Rise of Tiamat
CreatureList of String, delimiter: ,Abominable Yeti Adult Black Dragon Adult Blue Dragon Adult Green Dragon Adult White Dragon Air Elemental Ancient Black Dragon Ancient Bronze Dragon Ancient Gold Dragon Animated Armor Assassin Awakened Tree Barbed Devil Bearded Devil Behir Bone Devil Brass Dragon Copper Dragon Chimera Chuul Clay Golem Cloud Giant Commoner Cult Fanatic Cultist Cyclops Dao Dracolich Dragonclaw Dragonfang Dragonsoul Dragonwing Druid Dwarf Earth Elemental Efreeti Elemental Ettercap Ettin Fire Elemental Fire Giant Flesh Golem Frost Giant Ghost Giant Octopus Giant Spider Giant Squid Gladiator Gold Dragon Gorgon Green Dragon Guard Guard Drake Half-Green Dragon Assassin Half-Green Dragon Gladiator Half-Red Dragon Veteran Helmed Horror Hill Giant Ice Hunter Ice Toad Ice Troll Knight Kobold Lizardfolk Mage Merrow Mezzoloth Mummy Mummy Lord Noble Nycaloth Ogre Otyugh Polar Bear Pseudodragon Raven Remorhaz Scrag Silver Dragon Sled Dog Specter Stone Golem Succubus Swarm of Poisonous Snakes Swarm of Ravens Treant Tribal Warrior Troll Vulture Warhorse White Dragon Wight Wolf Wood Elf Wraith Young Blue Dragon Yuan-ti Yuan-ti Abomination Yuan-ti Malison Yuan-ti Pureblood Asmodeus Arauthator Arthagast Ulbrinter Bahamut Barking Seal Bel Bonecarver Cheela Flegsteel Chuth Clever Oomio Connerad Brawnanvil Cylanestriel Dagult Neverember Dala Silmerhelve Delaan Winterhound Diderius Eseldra Yeth Galin Galvan Grandfather Walrus Great White Bear Harshnag Hoondarrh Ilda Ileuthra Iskander Jorgen Pawl Laeral Silverhand Lennithon Leosin Erlanthar Ye Lerustah Lord Volmer Maccath the Crimson Marfulb Melandrach Mend-nets Mystra Naergoth Bladelord Nelvik Neronvain Nyh Ilmichh Nymmurh Ontharr Frume Otaaryliakkarnos Pindalpaupau Protanther Rath Modar Remallia Haventree Rezmir Rian Nightshade Sammaster Severin Silrajin Sir Isteval Szass Tam Taern Hornblade Tazmikella Tiamat Turlang Ulder Ravengard Varram Xonthal Yggran Zariel

"5e_Adventures" values

1 row is stored for this page
FieldField typeValue
AdventureStringThe Rise of Tiamat
TierList of String, delimiter: , 2 3