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59 official and unofficial subclasses.
Class | Subclass | Features | Flags | License | Source |
Sorcerer | Aberrant Sorcery | Psionic Spells, Telepathic Speech, Psionic Sorcery, Psychic Defenses, Revelation in Flesh, Warping Implosion | Canon, Pointer | Fair Use | Player's Handbook (5e24) |
Wizard | Abjurer | Abjuration Savant, Arcane Ward, Projected Ward, Spell Breaker, Spell Resistance | Canon, Pointer | Fair Use | Player's Handbook (5e24) |
Artificer | Alchemist | Tool Proficiency, Alchemist Spells | Noncanon, Pointer, UA | Fair Use | UA2024 Artificer |
Rogue | Arcane Trickster | Spellcasting, Mage Hand Legerdemain, Magical Ambush, Versatle Trickster, Spell Thief | Canon, Pointer | Fair Use | Player's Handbook (5e24) |
Warlock | Archfey Patron | Archfey Spells, Steps of the Fey, Misty Escape, Beguiling Defenses, Bewitching Magic | Canon, Pointer | Fair Use | Player's Handbook (5e24) |
Artificer | Armorer | Tools of the Trade, Armorer Spells, Arcane Armor, Armor Model, Extra Attack, Armor Replication, Perfected Armor | Noncanon, Pointer, UA | Fair Use | UA2024 Artificer |
Artificer | Artillerist | Tool Proficiency, Artillerist Spells, Eldritch Cannon, Arcane Firearm, Explosive Cannon, Fortified Position | Noncanon, Pointer, UA | Fair Use | UA2024 Artificer |
Rogue | Assassin | Assassinate, Assassin's Tools, Infiltration Expertise, Envenom Weapons, Death Strike | Canon, Pointer | Fair Use | Player's Handbook (5e24) |
Fighter | Battle Master | Combat Superiority, Student of War, Know Your Enemy, Improved Combat Superiority, Relentless, Ultimate Combat Superiority | Canon, Pointer | Fair Use | Player's Handbook (5e24) |
Artificer | Battle Smith | Tool Proficiency, Battle Smith Spells, Battle Ready, Steel Defender, Extra Attack, Arcane Jolt, Improved Defender | Noncanon, Pointer, UA | Fair Use | UA2024 Artificer |
Ranger | Beast Master | Primal Companion, Exceptional Training, Bestial Fury, Share Spells | Canon, Pointer | Fair Use | Player's Handbook (5e24) |
Barbarian | Path of the Berserker | Frenzy, Mindless Rage, Retaliation, Intimidating Presence | Canon, Pointer | Fair Use | Varied, 2024FR, PHB5e24 |
Wizard | Bladesinger | Bladesong, Training in War and Song, Extra Attack, Song of Defense, Song of Victory | Noncanon, Pointer, UA | Fair Use | UA2025 Forgotten Realms Subclasses |
Warlock | Celestial Patron | Celestial Spells, Healing Light, Radiant Soul, Celestial Resilience, Searing Vengeance | Canon, Pointer | Fair Use | Player's Handbook (5e24) |
Fighter | Champion | Improved Critical, Remarkable Athlete, Additional Fighting Style, Heroic Warrior, Superior Critical, Survivor | Canon, Pointer | Fair Use | Varied, 2024FR, PHB5e24 |
Druid | Circle of the Moon | Circle Forms, Circle of the Moon Spells, Improved Circle Forms, Moonlight Step, Lunar Form | Canon, Pointer | Fair Use | Player's Handbook (5e24) |
Druid | Circle of the Sea | Circle of the Sea Spells, Wrath of the Sea, Aquatic Affinity, Stormborn, Oceanic Gift | Canon, Pointer | Fair Use | Player's Handbook (5e24) |
Druid | Circle of the Stars | Star Map, Starry Form, Cosmic Omen, Twinkling Constellations, Full of Stars | Canon, Pointer | Fair Use | Player's Handbook (5e24) |
Sorcerer | Clockwork Sorcery | Clockwork Spells, Restore Balance, Bastion of Law, Trance of Order, Clockwork Cavalcade | Canon, Pointer | Fair Use | Player's Handbook (5e24) |
Bard | College of Dance | Dazzling Footwork, Inspiring Movement, Tandem Footwork, Leading Evasion | Canon, Pointer | Fair Use | Player's Handbook (5e24) |
Wizard | Diviner | Divination Savant, Portent, Expert Divination, The Third Eye, Greater Portent | Canon, Pointer | Fair Use | Player's Handbook (5e24) |
Sorcerer | Draconic Sorcery | Draconic Resilience, Draconic Spells, Elemental Affinity, Dragon Wings, Dragon Companion | Canon, Pointer | Fair Use | Varied, 2024FR, PHB5e24 |
Warlock | Dragon Patron | Dragon Spells, Draconic Blessing, Frightful Presence, Dragon Breath, Legendary Resistance | Noncanon | ||
Fighter | Eldritch Knight | Spellcasting, War Bond, War Magic, Eldritch Strike, Arcane Charge, Improved War Magic | Canon, Pointer | Fair Use | Player's Handbook (5e24) |
Wizard | Evoker | Evocation Savant, Potent Cantrip, Sculpt Spells, Empowered Evocation, Overchannel | Canon, Pointer | Fair Use | Varied, 2024FR, PHB5e24 |
Ranger | Fey Wanderer | Dreadful Strikes, Fey Wanderer Spells, Otherworldly Glamour, Beguiling Twist, Fey Reinforcements, Misty Wanderer | Canon, Pointer | Fair Use | Player's Handbook (5e24) |
Warlock | Fiend Patron | Dark One's Blessing, Fiend Spells, Dark One's Own Luck, Fiendish Resilience, Hurl Through Hell | Canon, Pointer | Fair Use | Varied, 2024FR, PHB5e24 |
Bard | College of Glamour | Beguiling Magic, Mantle of Inspiration, Mantle of Majesty, Unbreakable Majesty | Canon, Pointer | Fair Use | Player's Handbook (5e24) |
Ranger | Gloom Stalker | Dread Ambusher, Gloom Stalker Spells, Umbral Sight, Iron Mind, Stalker's Flurry, Shadowy Dodge | Canon, Pointer | Fair Use | Player's Handbook (5e24) |
Warlock | Great Old One Patron | Awakened Mind, Great Old One Spells, Psychic Spells, Clairvoyant Combatant, Eldritch Hex, Thought Shield, Create Thrall | Canon, Pointer | Fair Use | Player's Handbook (5e24) |
Ranger | Hunter | Hunter's Lore, Hunter's Prey, Defensive Tactics, Superior Hunter's Prey, Superior Hunter's Defense | Canon, Pointer | Fair Use | Varied, 2024FR, PHB5e24 |
Wizard | Illusionist | Illusion Savant, Improved Illusions, Phantasmal Creatures, Illusory Self, Illusory Reality | Canon, Pointer | Fair Use | Player's Handbook (5e24) |
Cleric | Knowledge Domain | Blessings of Knowledge, Knowledge Domain Spells, Mind Magic, Unfettered Mind, Divine Foreknowledge | Canon, Pointer | Fair Use | UA2025 Forgotten Realms Subclasses |
Cleric | Life Domain | Disciple of Life, Life Domain Spells, Preserve Life, Blessed Healer, Supreme Healing | Canon, Pointer | Fair Use | Varied, 2024FR, PHB5e24 |
Cleric | Light Domain | Light Domain Spells, Radiance of the Dawn, Warding Flare, Improved Warding Flare, Corona of Light | Canon, Pointer | Fair Use | Player's Handbook (5e24) |
Bard | College of Lore | Bonus Proficiencies, Cutting Words, Magical Discoveries, Peerless Skill | Canon, Pointer | Fair Use | Varied |
Bard | College of the Moon | Moonshae Folktales, Primal Lorist, Blessing of the Moonwells, Bolstered Folktales | Canon, Pointer | Fair Use | UA2025 Forgotten Realms Subclasses |
Paladin | Oath of the Ancients | Nature's Wrath, Oath of the Ancients Spells, Aura of Warding, Undying Sentinel, Elder Champion | Canon, Pointer | Fair Use | Player's Handbook (5e24) |
Paladin | Oath of Devotion | Oath of Devotion Spells, Sacred Weapon, Aura of Devotion, Smite of Protection, Holy Nimbus | Canon, Pointer | Fair Use | Varied, 2024FR, PHB5e24 |
Paladin | Oath of Glory | Inspiring Smite, Oath of Glory Spells, Peerless Athlete, Aura of Alacrity, Glorious Defense, Living Legend | Canon, Pointer | Fair Use | Player's Handbook (5e24) |
Paladin | Oath of the Noble Genies | Elemental Smite, Genie Spells, Genie's Splendor, Aura of Elemental Shielding, Elemental Rebuke, Noble Scion | Noncanon, Pointer, UA | Fair Use | UA2025 Forgotten Realms Subclasses |
Paladin | Oath of Vengeance | Oath of Vengeance Spells, Vow of Enmity, Relentless Avenger, Soul of Vengeance, Avenging Angel | Canon, Pointer | Fair Use | Player's Handbook (5e24) |
Fighter | Psi Warrior | Psionic Power, Telekinetic Adept, Guarded Mind, Bulwark of Force, Telekinetic Master | Canon, Pointer | Fair Use | Player's Handbook (5e24) |
Fighter | Purple Dragon Knight | Knightly Envoy, Purple Dragon Companion, Dragon Rider, Rallying Surge, Amethyst Pinnacle, Enduring Commander | Noncanon, Pointer, UA | Fair Use | UA2025 Forgotten Realms Subclasses |
Rogue | Scion of the Three | Bloodthirst, Dread Allegiance, Strike Fear, Aura of Malvolence, Dread Incarnate | Noncanon, Pointer, UA | Fair Use | UA2025 Forgotten Realms Subclasses |
Rogue | Soulknife | Psionic Power, Psychic Blades, Soul Blades, Psychic Veil, Rend Mind | Canon, Pointer | Fair Use | Player's Handbook (5e24) |
Sorcerer | Spellfire Sorcery | Spellfire Burst, Spellfire Spells, Absorb Spells, Honed Spellfire, Crown of Spellfire | Noncanon, Pointer, UA | Fair Use | UA2025 Forgotten Realms Subclasses |
Rogue | Thief | Fast Hands, Second-Story Work, Supreme Sneak, Use Magic Device, Thief's Reflexes | Canon, Pointer | Fair Use | Varied, 2024FR, PHB5e24 |
Bard | College of Valor | Combat Inspiration, Martial Training, Extra Attack, Battle Magic | Canon, Pointer | Fair Use | Player's Handbook (5e24) |
Cleric | War Domain | Guided Strike, War Domain Spells, War Priest, War God's Blessing, Avatar of Battle | Canon, Pointer | Fair Use | Player's Handbook (5e24) |
Monk | Warrior of the Elements | Elemental Attunement, Manipulate Elements, Elemental Burst, Stride of the Elements, Elemental Epitome | Canon, Pointer | Fair Use | Player's Handbook (5e24) |
Monk | Warrior of Mercy | Hand of Harm, Hand of Healing, Implements of Mercy, Physician's Touch, Flurry of Healing and Harm, Hand of Ultimate Mercy | Canon, Pointer | Fair Use | Player's Handbook (5e24) |
Monk | Warrior of Shadow | Shadow Arts, Shadow Step, Improved Shadow Step, Cloak of Shadows | Canon, Pointer | Fair Use | Player's Handbook (5e24) |
Monk | Warrior of the Open Hand | Open Hand Technique, Wholeness of Body, Fleet Step, Quivering Palm | Canon, Pointer | Fair Use | Varied, 2024FR, PHB5e24 |
Barbarian | Path of the Wild Heart | Animal Speaker, Rage of the Wilds, Aspect of the Wilds, Nature Speaker, Power of the Wilds | Canon, Pointer | Fair Use | Player's Handbook (5e24) |
Sorcerer | Wild Magic Sorcery | Wild Magic Surge, Tides of Chaos, Bend Luck, Controlled Chaos, Tamed Surge | Canon, Pointer | Fair Use | Player's Handbook (5e24) |
Ranger | Winter Walker | Frigid Explorer, Hunter's Rime, Winter Walker Spells, Fortifying Soul, Chilling Retribution, Frozen Haunt | Noncanon, Pointer, UA | Fair Use | UA2025 Forgotten Realms Subclasses |
Barbarian | Path of the World Tree | Vitality of the Tree, Branches of the Tree, Battering Roots, Travel along the Tree | Canon, Pointer | Fair Use | Player's Handbook (5e24) |
Barbarian | Path of the Zealot | Divine Fury, Fanatical Focus, Zealous Presence, Rage of the Gods | Canon, Pointer | Fair Use | Player's Handbook (5e24) |