5e:Dragon Pantheon

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Dragon Pantheon 

Dragon Pantheon

4 official and unofficial deific beings.

Deity Type Gender Portfolio Alignment Domains Plane Symbol Pantheon Worshipers Source
Bahamut Deity Male Good Dragons, Metallic Dragons, Justice Courage Lawful Good Life, War Mount Celestia Dragon head in profile Dragon Metallic Dragons Canon, Pointer Varied
Lernaea Deity Female Unstated Unstated Unstated Dragon None Canon, Pointer Player's Handbook (5e)
Takhisis Deity Female Night, Hatred, Evil Dragons, Chromatic Dragons Lawful Evil Death, Trickery Unstated Black crescent Dragon, Dragonlance Chromatic Dragons Canon, Pointer Dragonlance Shadow of the Dragon Queen
Tiamat Deity Female Evil, Evil Dragons Lawful Evil Trickery Nine Hells (Avernus) Dragon head with five claw marks Dragon, Diabolic Evil Dragons Varied

Sources and Notes

Back to Main PageDnD5x5e (2014)MonsterDragon
Back to Main PageDnD5x5e (2014)Deity

  Varied Licenses

This is article is covered by varying licenses, rather than the Creative Commons Attribution Sharealike License. Please see the Sources section for individual sources and licenses.