5e24:Knowledge Domain

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Knowledge Domain (disambiguation).

5e Pointer  + 
UA2025 Forgotten Realms Subclasses

Knowledge Domain (pointer) [1]
Cleric subclass

Unearth Secrets and Master the Mind

Unofficial Description: These clerics focus on knowledge, secrets, and mental power.

Knowledge Domain Features

Cleric Level Features  
3rd Blessings of Knowledge, Knowledge Domain Spells, Mind Magic 
6th Unfettered Mind 
17th Divine Foreknowledge


Blessings of Knowledge

3rd level Knowledge Domain feature.
Unofficial Summary: Gain Proficiency with one set of Artisan's Tools and Expertise in two Skills - Arcana, History, Nature, or Religion

Knowledge Domain Spells

3rd level Knowledge Domain feature.
Unofficial Summary: You know and always have prepared the following Spells:
Command, Comprehend Languages, Detect Magic, Detect Thoughts, Identify, Mind Spike, Dispel Magic, Nondetection, Tongues, Arcane Eye, Banishment, Confusion, Legend Lore, Scrying, Synaptic Static 

Mind Magic

3rd level Knowledge Domain feature.
Unofficial Summary: You can use a Magic Action and Channel Divinity to cast one of the Knowledge Domain Spells without spending a Spell Slot or Material components. 

Unfettered Mind

6th level Knowledge Domain feature.
Unofficial Summary: Gain Telepathy with a number of creatures. Also, your Intelligence Checks have a floor value of your Wisdom score. 

Divine Foreknowledge

17th level Knowledge Domain feature.
Unofficial Summary: Once per Long Rest you can buff D20 Tests for an hour. You can recharge this ability by spending a level 6+ spell slot.

Design Note: Knowledge Domain Updates

Here are the main updates in this subclass since its appearance in the Player's Handbook (2014):

  • Blessings of Knowledge now gives you proficiency with a type of Artisan’s Tools.
  • Knowledge Domain Spells have been updated to include more damaging and combat-relevant options. The number of spells has also increased.
  • Mind Magic is a new feature that allows you to expend a use of Channel Divinity to cast one of your domain spells without expending a spell slot.
  • Unfettered Mind is a new feature that grants you telepathy and consistent Intelligence checks.
  • Divine Foreknowledge is a new feature that allows you to gain Advantage on D20 Tests for 1 hour.

Knowledge Domain Deities and Powers

71 official and unofficial deific beings.

Type Gender Portfolio Alignment Domains Plane Symbol Pantheon Worshipers Source
Alathrien Druanna Deity Female Runes, writing, spellcasting Neutral Arcana, Knowledge Unstated Quill or glyph Elven, Seldarine Elves Canon, Pointer Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes
Angharradh Deity Female Wisdom, growth, protection Chaotic Good Knowledge, Life, Peace, Unity, War Unstated Three interlocking circles Elven, Seldarine Elves Canon, Pointer Varied, MToF, TCoE
Apollo Deity Male Light, music, and healing Chaotic Good Knowledge, Life, Light Arborea Lyre Greek Humans Canon SRD-OGL v5.1
Araleth Letheranil Deity Male Light, stars, revelations Chaotic Good Knowledge, Light Unstated Shaft of Light Elven, Seldarine Elves Canon, Pointer Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes
Athena Deity Female Wisdom and civilization Lawful Good Knowledge, War Arborea Owl Greek Humans Canon SRD-OGL v5.1
Aureon Deity Male Law and Knowledge Lawful Good Knowledge, Order Unstated Open tome Eberron, The Sovereign Host Unstated Canon, Pointer Player's Handbook (5e)
Azuth Deity Male Wizards Lawful Neutral Arcana, Knowledge Unstated Left hand pointing upward, outlined in fire Forgotten Realms Wizards Canon, Pointer Player's Handbook (5e)
Boccob Deity Male Magic Neutral Arcana, Knowledge Unstated Eye within a pentagram Greyhawk Unstated Canon, Pointer Player's Handbook (5e)
Callarduran Smoothhands Deity Male Mining, stone carving Neutral Knowledge, Nature Bytopia (Dothion, The Golden Hills) Golden signet ring with six-pointed star Gnomish, Svirfneblin Gnomes Canon, Pointer Varied, SCAG, MToF
Celestian Deity Male Stars and wanderers Neutral Knowledge, Twilight Unstated Arc of seven stars inside a circle Greyhawk Unstated Canon, Pointer Player's Handbook (5e)
Chislev Deity Female Nature Neutral Fate, Knowledge Unstated Feather Dragonlance Unstated Canon, Pointer Player's Handbook (5e)
Deep Duerra Deity Female Conquest, psionics Lawful Evil Knowledge, War Unstated Mind flayer skull Dwarven, Duergar Duergar Canon, Pointer Varied, SCAG, MToF
Deep Sashelas Deity Male Elves, Creativity, Knowledge, Sea Chaotic Good Knowledge, Nature, Tempest Arborea (Arvandor) Dolphin Elven, Seldarine Elves Varied, PHB5, MToF
Deneir Deity Male Writing Neutral Good Knowledge Unstated Lit candle above an open eye Forgotten Realms Unstated Canon, Pointer Player's Handbook (5e)
Dugmaren Brightmantle Deity Male Discovery Chaotic Good Knowledge Unstated Open book Dwarven, Mordinsamman Dwarves Canon, Pointer Varied, SCAG, MToF
Dumathoin Deity Male Buried secrets Neutral Grave, Knowledge Unstated Mountain silhouette with a central gemstone Dwarven, Mordinsamman Dwarves Canon, Pointer Varied, SCAG, MToF
Ephara Deity Female the polis Lawful Neutral Knowledge, Light Unstated Urn pouring water Theros Unstated Canon, Pointer Mythic Odysseys of Theros
Fharlanghn Deity Male Horizons and travel Neutral Good Knowledge, Trickery Unstated Circle crossed by a curved horizon Greyhawk Unstated Canon, Pointer Player's Handbook (5e)
Flandal Steelskin Deity Male Metalwork Neutral Good Forge, Knowledge Bytopia (Dothion, The Golden Hills) Flaming hammer Gnomish Gnomes Canon, Pointer Varied, SCAG, MToF
Gilean Deity Male Knowledge Neutral Fate, Knowledge Unstated Open book Dragonlance Unstated Canon, Pointer Player's Handbook (5e)
Goibhniu Deity Male Smiths and Healing Neutral Good Knowledge, Life Unstated Giant mallet over sword Celtic Humans Canon SRD-OGL v5.1
Gond Deity Male Craft Neutral Knowledge Unstated Toothed cog with four spokes Forgotten Realms Unstated Canon, Pointer Player's Handbook (5e)
Hecate Deity Female Magic and the moon Chaotic Evil Arcana, Knowledge, Trickery Arborea Setting moon Greek Human Canon SRD-OGL v5.1
Hephaestus Deity Male Smithing and craft Neutral Good Knowledge Arborea Hammer and anvil Greek Humans Canon SRD-OGL v5.1
Imhotep Deity Male Crafts and medicine Neutral Good Knowledge Unstated Step pyramid Egyptian Humans Canon SRD-OGL v5.1
Isis Deity Female Fertility and magic Neutral Good Arcana, Knowledge, Life Unstated Ankh and star Egyptian Humans Canon SRD-OGL v5.1
Istus Deity Female Fate and destiny Neutral Fate, Knowledge Unstated Weaver's spindle with three strands Greyhawk Unstated Canon, Pointer Player's Handbook (5e)
Keranos Deity Male storms Chaotic Neutral Knowledge, Tempest Unstated Blue Eye Theros Unstated Canon, Pointer Mythic Odysseys of Theros
Kirith Sotheril Deity Female Divination, illusion Neutral Good Knowledge, Trickery Arborea (Arvandor) Rainbow sphere Elven, Seldarine Elves Canon, Pointer Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes
Klothys Deity Female destiny Neutral Knowledge, War Unstated Drop Spindle Theros Unstated Canon, Pointer Mythic Odysseys of Theros
Kruphix Deity Male horizons Neutral Knowledge, Trickery Unstated Eight-pointed star Theros Unstated Canon, Pointer Mythic Odysseys of Theros
Labelas Enoreth Deity Male Time, history, memory Chaotic Good Arcana, Knowledge, Life Unstated Setting sun Elven, Seldarine Elves Canon, Pointer Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes
Lugh Deity Male Arts, travel, and commerce Chaotic Neutral Knowledge, Life Unstated Pair of long hands Celtic Humans Canon SRD-OGL v5.1
Majere Deity Male Meditation and order Lawful Good Knowledge, Order Unstated Cooper spider Dragonlance Unstated Canon, Pointer Player's Handbook (5e)
Math Mathonwy Deity Male Magic Neutral Evil Arcana, Knowledge Unstated Staff Celtic Humans Canon SRD-OGL v5.1
Melira Taralen Deity Female Poetry, songs Chaotic Good Knowledge, Life, Trickery Arborea (Arvandor) Lute Elven, Seldarine Elves Canon, Pointer Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes
Mishakal Deity Female Healing Lawful Good Knowledge, Life, Twilight Unstated Blue infinity sign Dragonlance Unstated Canon, Pointer Player's Handbook (5e)
Moradin Deity Male Dwarves and Creation, Primary deity of dwarves Lawful Good Forge, Knowledge Solania, Mount Celestia Hammer and anvil Dwarven, Mordinsamman Dwarves Canon, Pointer Varied, PHB5, MToF
Mya Deity Female Clan, family, wisdom Neutral Good Knowledge, Life Unstated A faceless mother figure Dwarven, Mordinsamman Dwarves Canon, Pointer Varied, MToF
Mystra Deity Female Magic Neutral Good Arcana, Knowledge Unstated Circle of seven stars, or nine stars encircling a flowing red mist, or a single star Forgotten Realms Unstated Canon, Pointer Player's Handbook (5e)
Mythrien Sarath Deity Male Abjuration, mythals Chaotic Good Arcana, Forge, Knowledge Unstated Row of intertwined rings Elven, Seldarine Elves Canon, Pointer Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes
Nebelun Deity Female Invention, luck Chaotic Good Forge, Knowledge, Trickery Bytopia (Dothion, The Golden Hills) Bellows and lizard tail Gnomish Gnomes Canon, Pointer Varied, SCAG, MToF
Odin Deity Male Knowledge and war Neutral Good Knowledge, War Ysgard (Asgard) Watching blue eye Norse Humans Canon SRD-OGL v5.1
Oghma Deity Male Speech and writing Neutral Good Knowledge Unstated Unfurled scroll Celtic Humans Canon SRD-OGL v5.1
Oghma Deity Male Knowledge Neutral Knowledge Unstated Blank scroll Forgotten Realms Unstated Canon, Pointer Player's Handbook (5e)
Onatar Deity Male Craft Neutral Good Forge, Knowledge Unstated Crossed hammer and tongs Eberron, The Sovereign Host Unstated Canon, Pointer Player's Handbook (5e)
Pharika Deity Female affliction Neutral Evil Death, Knowledge, Life Unstated Snakes Theros Unstated Canon, Pointer Mythic Odysseys of Theros
Ptah Deity Male Crafts, knowledge, and secrets Lawful Neutral Knowledge Unstated Bull Egyptian Humans Canon SRD-OGL v5.1
Rao Deity Male Peace and reason Lawful Good Knowledge Unstated White heart Greyhawk Unstated Canon, Pointer Player's Handbook (5e)
Reorx Deity Male Craft Neutral Forge, Knowledge Unstated Forging hammer Dragonlance Unstated Canon, Pointer Player's Handbook (5e)
Rill Cleverthrush Deity Unstated Law, thought Lawful Neutral Knowledge Bytopia (Dothion, The Golden Hills) Interlocking gears Gnomish Gnomes Canon, Pointer Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes
Savras Deity Male Divination and fate Lawful Neutral Fate, Knowledge Unstated Crystal ball containing many kinds of eyes Forgotten Realms Unstated Canon, Pointer Player's Handbook (5e)
Sehanine Moonbow Deity Female Dreams, death, travel, and the Moon Chaotic Good Grave, Knowledge, Light Unstated Crescent moon, Full moon under a moonbow Elven, Seldarine Elves Canon, Pointer Varied, PHB5, MToF
Selûne Deity Female Moon Chaotic Good Knowledge, Life, Twilight Unstated Pair of eyes surrounded by seven stars Forgotten Realms Unstated Canon, Pointer Player's Handbook (5e)
The Shadow Deity Male Dark Magic Chaotic Evil Arcana, Knowledge Unstated Obsidian tower Eberron, The Dark Six Unstated Canon, Pointer Player's Handbook (5e)
Shinare Deity Female Wealth and trade Neutral Knowledge, Trickery Unstated Griffon's wing Dragonlance Unstated Canon, Pointer Player's Handbook (5e)
Skoraeus Stonebones Deity Male Stone Giants, Art Neutral Knowledge Unstated Stalactite Giant Stone Giants Canon, Pointer Player's Handbook (5e)
St. Cuthbert Deity Male Peace and reason Lawful Neutral Knowledge, Protection Unstated Circle at the center of a starburst Greyhawk Unstated Canon, Pointer Player's Handbook (5e)
Surtur Deity Male Fire giants, craft, and war Lawful Evil Knowledge, War Ysgard (Muspelheim) Flaming sword Giant, Norse Fire Giants Canon, Pointer Varied, SRD5, PHB5
Thassa Deity Female the sea Neutral Knowledge, Tempest Unstated Waves Theros Unstated Canon, Pointer Mythic Odysseys of Theros
Thautam Deity Unstated Mystries, darkness, lost treasures Neutral Knowledge, Trickery Unstated Blindfold Dwarven, Mordinsamman Dwarves Canon, Pointer Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes
Thoth Deity Male Knowledge and wisdom Neutral Knowledge Unstated Ibis Egyptian Humans Canon SRD-OGL v5.1
Thrym Deity Male Frost giants, strength, and cold Lawful Evil Knowledge, War Ysgard (Jotunheim) White double-­bladed axe Giant, Norse Frost Giants Canon SRD-OGL v5.1
The Traveler Deity Unstated Chaos and change Chaotic Neutral Knowledge, Trickery Unstated Four crossed, rune-inscribed bones Eberron, The Dark Six Unstated Canon, Pointer Player's Handbook (5e)
Tyr Deity Male Courage and strategy Lawful Neutral Knowledge, War Ysgard (Asgard) Sword Norse Humans Canon SRD-OGL v5.1
The Undying Court Ancestral Spirits (group) n/a Elven ancestors Neutral Good Grave, Knowledge, Life Unstated Golden mask, Varies Eberron Unstated Canon, Pointer Varied, PHB5, ERftLW
Urogalan Deity Male Earth, death Lawful Neutral Death, Grave, Knowledge Unstated Silhoutte of a dog's head Halfling Halflings Canon, Pointer Varied, SCAG, MToF
Vecna Deity Male Evil Secrets Neutral Evil Arcana, Knowledge Material Plane Hand with eye in the palm Greyhawk Seekers of forbidden knowledge and magical might. Canon, Pointer Varied, PHB5, MM5, SCAG
Waukeen Deity Female Trade Neutral Knowledge, Trickery Unstated Upright coin with Waukeen's profile facing left Forgotten Realms Dohwar Canon, Pointer Player's Handbook (5e)
Wee Jas Deity Female Magic and Death Lawful Neutral Arcana, Death, Knowledge Unstated Red skull in front of fireball Greyhawk Unstated Canon, Pointer Player's Handbook (5e)
Zivilyn Deity Male Wisdom Neutral Knowledge Unstated Great green or gold tree Dragonlance Unstated Canon, Pointer Player's Handbook (5e)

Sources and Notes

  1. UA2025 Forgotten Realms Subclasses Licensed: © Wizards of the Coast (used under 'fair use' clause).

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