Template:5e24 Subclass List/All

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59 official and unofficial subclasses.

Class Subclass Features Flags License Source
Sorcerer Aberrant Sorcery Psionic Spells, Telepathic Speech, Psionic Sorcery, Psychic Defenses, Revelation in Flesh, Warping Implosion Canon, Pointer Fair Use Player's Handbook (5e24)
Wizard Abjurer Abjuration Savant, Arcane Ward, Projected Ward, Spell Breaker, Spell Resistance Canon, Pointer Fair Use Player's Handbook (5e24)
Artificer Alchemist Tool Proficiency, Alchemist Spells Noncanon, Pointer, UA Fair Use UA2024 Artificer
Rogue Arcane Trickster Spellcasting, Mage Hand Legerdemain, Magical Ambush, Versatle Trickster, Spell Thief Canon, Pointer Fair Use Player's Handbook (5e24)
Warlock Archfey Patron Archfey Spells, Steps of the Fey, Misty Escape, Beguiling Defenses, Bewitching Magic Canon, Pointer Fair Use Player's Handbook (5e24)
Artificer Armorer Tools of the Trade, Armorer Spells, Arcane Armor, Armor Model, Extra Attack, Armor Replication, Perfected Armor Noncanon, Pointer, UA Fair Use UA2024 Artificer
Artificer Artillerist Tool Proficiency, Artillerist Spells, Eldritch Cannon, Arcane Firearm, Explosive Cannon, Fortified Position Noncanon, Pointer, UA Fair Use UA2024 Artificer
Rogue Assassin Assassinate, Assassin's Tools, Infiltration Expertise, Envenom Weapons, Death Strike Canon, Pointer Fair Use Player's Handbook (5e24)
Fighter Battle Master Combat Superiority, Student of War, Know Your Enemy, Improved Combat Superiority, Relentless, Ultimate Combat Superiority Canon, Pointer Fair Use Player's Handbook (5e24)
Artificer Battle Smith Tool Proficiency, Battle Smith Spells, Battle Ready, Steel Defender, Extra Attack, Arcane Jolt, Improved Defender Noncanon, Pointer, UA Fair Use UA2024 Artificer
Ranger Beast Master Primal Companion, Exceptional Training, Bestial Fury, Share Spells Canon, Pointer Fair Use Player's Handbook (5e24)
Barbarian Path of the Berserker Frenzy, Mindless Rage, Retaliation, Intimidating Presence Canon, Pointer Fair Use Varied, 2024FR, PHB5e24
Wizard Bladesinger Bladesong, Training in War and Song, Extra Attack, Song of Defense, Song of Victory Noncanon, Pointer, UA Fair Use UA2025 Forgotten Realms Subclasses
Warlock Celestial Patron Celestial Spells, Healing Light, Radiant Soul, Celestial Resilience, Searing Vengeance Canon, Pointer Fair Use Player's Handbook (5e24)
Fighter Champion Improved Critical, Remarkable Athlete, Additional Fighting Style, Heroic Warrior, Superior Critical, Survivor Canon, Pointer Fair Use Varied, 2024FR, PHB5e24
Druid Circle of the Moon Circle Forms, Circle of the Moon Spells, Improved Circle Forms, Moonlight Step, Lunar Form Canon, Pointer Fair Use Player's Handbook (5e24)
Druid Circle of the Sea Circle of the Sea Spells, Wrath of the Sea, Aquatic Affinity, Stormborn, Oceanic Gift Canon, Pointer Fair Use Player's Handbook (5e24)
Druid Circle of the Stars Star Map, Starry Form, Cosmic Omen, Twinkling Constellations, Full of Stars Canon, Pointer Fair Use Player's Handbook (5e24)
Sorcerer Clockwork Sorcery Clockwork Spells, Restore Balance, Bastion of Law, Trance of Order, Clockwork Cavalcade Canon, Pointer Fair Use Player's Handbook (5e24)
Bard College of Dance Dazzling Footwork, Inspiring Movement, Tandem Footwork, Leading Evasion Canon, Pointer Fair Use Player's Handbook (5e24)
Wizard Diviner Divination Savant, Portent, Expert Divination, The Third Eye, Greater Portent Canon, Pointer Fair Use Player's Handbook (5e24)
Sorcerer Draconic Sorcery Draconic Resilience, Draconic Spells, Elemental Affinity, Dragon Wings, Dragon Companion Canon, Pointer Fair Use Varied, 2024FR, PHB5e24
Warlock Dragon Patron Dragon Spells, Draconic Blessing, Frightful Presence, Dragon Breath, Legendary Resistance Noncanon
Fighter Eldritch Knight Spellcasting, War Bond, War Magic, Eldritch Strike, Arcane Charge, Improved War Magic Canon, Pointer Fair Use Player's Handbook (5e24)
Wizard Evoker Evocation Savant, Potent Cantrip, Sculpt Spells, Empowered Evocation, Overchannel Canon, Pointer Fair Use Varied, 2024FR, PHB5e24
Ranger Fey Wanderer Dreadful Strikes, Fey Wanderer Spells, Otherworldly Glamour, Beguiling Twist, Fey Reinforcements, Misty Wanderer Canon, Pointer Fair Use Player's Handbook (5e24)
Warlock Fiend Patron Dark One's Blessing, Fiend Spells, Dark One's Own Luck, Fiendish Resilience, Hurl Through Hell Canon, Pointer Fair Use Varied, 2024FR, PHB5e24
Bard College of Glamour Beguiling Magic, Mantle of Inspiration, Mantle of Majesty, Unbreakable Majesty Canon, Pointer Fair Use Player's Handbook (5e24)
Ranger Gloom Stalker Dread Ambusher, Gloom Stalker Spells, Umbral Sight, Iron Mind, Stalker's Flurry, Shadowy Dodge Canon, Pointer Fair Use Player's Handbook (5e24)
Warlock Great Old One Patron Awakened Mind, Great Old One Spells, Psychic Spells, Clairvoyant Combatant, Eldritch Hex, Thought Shield, Create Thrall Canon, Pointer Fair Use Player's Handbook (5e24)
Ranger Hunter Hunter's Lore, Hunter's Prey, Defensive Tactics, Superior Hunter's Prey, Superior Hunter's Defense Canon, Pointer Fair Use Varied, 2024FR, PHB5e24
Wizard Illusionist Illusion Savant, Improved Illusions, Phantasmal Creatures, Illusory Self, Illusory Reality Canon, Pointer Fair Use Player's Handbook (5e24)
Cleric Knowledge Domain Blessings of Knowledge, Knowledge Domain Spells, Mind Magic, Unfettered Mind, Divine Foreknowledge Canon, Pointer Fair Use UA2025 Forgotten Realms Subclasses
Cleric Life Domain Disciple of Life, Life Domain Spells, Preserve Life, Blessed Healer, Supreme Healing Canon, Pointer Fair Use Varied, 2024FR, PHB5e24
Cleric Light Domain Light Domain Spells, Radiance of the Dawn, Warding Flare, Improved Warding Flare, Corona of Light Canon, Pointer Fair Use Player's Handbook (5e24)
Bard College of Lore Bonus Proficiencies, Cutting Words, Magical Discoveries, Peerless Skill Canon, Pointer Fair Use Varied
Bard College of the Moon Moonshae Folktales, Primal Lorist, Blessing of the Moonwells, Bolstered Folktales Canon, Pointer Fair Use UA2025 Forgotten Realms Subclasses
Paladin Oath of the Ancients Nature's Wrath, Oath of the Ancients Spells, Aura of Warding, Undying Sentinel, Elder Champion Canon, Pointer Fair Use Player's Handbook (5e24)
Paladin Oath of Devotion Oath of Devotion Spells, Sacred Weapon, Aura of Devotion, Smite of Protection, Holy Nimbus Canon, Pointer Fair Use Varied, 2024FR, PHB5e24
Paladin Oath of Glory Inspiring Smite, Oath of Glory Spells, Peerless Athlete, Aura of Alacrity, Glorious Defense, Living Legend Canon, Pointer Fair Use Player's Handbook (5e24)
Paladin Oath of the Noble Genies Elemental Smite, Genie Spells, Genie's Splendor, Aura of Elemental Shielding, Elemental Rebuke, Noble Scion Noncanon, Pointer, UA Fair Use UA2025 Forgotten Realms Subclasses
Paladin Oath of Vengeance Oath of Vengeance Spells, Vow of Enmity, Relentless Avenger, Soul of Vengeance, Avenging Angel Canon, Pointer Fair Use Player's Handbook (5e24)
Fighter Psi Warrior Psionic Power, Telekinetic Adept, Guarded Mind, Bulwark of Force, Telekinetic Master Canon, Pointer Fair Use Player's Handbook (5e24)
Fighter Purple Dragon Knight Knightly Envoy, Purple Dragon Companion, Dragon Rider, Rallying Surge, Amethyst Pinnacle, Enduring Commander Noncanon, Pointer, UA Fair Use UA2025 Forgotten Realms Subclasses
Rogue Scion of the Three Bloodthirst, Dread Allegiance, Strike Fear, Aura of Malvolence, Dread Incarnate Noncanon, Pointer, UA Fair Use UA2025 Forgotten Realms Subclasses
Rogue Soulknife Psionic Power, Psychic Blades, Soul Blades, Psychic Veil, Rend Mind Canon, Pointer Fair Use Player's Handbook (5e24)
Sorcerer Spellfire Sorcery Spellfire Burst, Spellfire Spells, Absorb Spells, Honed Spellfire, Crown of Spellfire Noncanon, Pointer, UA Fair Use UA2025 Forgotten Realms Subclasses
Rogue Thief Fast Hands, Second-Story Work, Supreme Sneak, Use Magic Device, Thief's Reflexes Canon, Pointer Fair Use Varied, 2024FR, PHB5e24
Bard College of Valor Combat Inspiration, Martial Training, Extra Attack, Battle Magic Canon, Pointer Fair Use Player's Handbook (5e24)
Cleric War Domain Guided Strike, War Domain Spells, War Priest, War God's Blessing, Avatar of Battle Canon, Pointer Fair Use Player's Handbook (5e24)
Monk Warrior of the Elements Elemental Attunement, Manipulate Elements, Elemental Burst, Stride of the Elements, Elemental Epitome Canon, Pointer Fair Use Player's Handbook (5e24)
Monk Warrior of Mercy Hand of Harm, Hand of Healing, Implements of Mercy, Physician's Touch, Flurry of Healing and Harm, Hand of Ultimate Mercy Canon, Pointer Fair Use Player's Handbook (5e24)
Monk Warrior of Shadow Shadow Arts, Shadow Step, Improved Shadow Step, Cloak of Shadows Canon, Pointer Fair Use Player's Handbook (5e24)
Monk Warrior of the Open Hand Open Hand Technique, Wholeness of Body, Fleet Step, Quivering Palm Canon, Pointer Fair Use Varied, 2024FR, PHB5e24
Barbarian Path of the Wild Heart Animal Speaker, Rage of the Wilds, Aspect of the Wilds, Nature Speaker, Power of the Wilds Canon, Pointer Fair Use Player's Handbook (5e24)
Sorcerer Wild Magic Sorcery Wild Magic Surge, Tides of Chaos, Bend Luck, Controlled Chaos, Tamed Surge Canon, Pointer Fair Use Player's Handbook (5e24)
Ranger Winter Walker Frigid Explorer, Hunter's Rime, Winter Walker Spells, Fortifying Soul, Chilling Retribution, Frozen Haunt Noncanon, Pointer, UA Fair Use UA2025 Forgotten Realms Subclasses
Barbarian Path of the World Tree Vitality of the Tree, Branches of the Tree, Battering Roots, Travel along the Tree Canon, Pointer Fair Use Player's Handbook (5e24)
Barbarian Path of the Zealot Divine Fury, Fanatical Focus, Zealous Presence, Rage of the Gods Canon, Pointer Fair Use Player's Handbook (5e24)