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D&D 5e (2014) Varied ʰ 
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DnD Gnoll
By LadyofHats (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons
Public Domain Image
Gnoll Overview [1] [2]

Gnolls greatly resemble humanoid hyenas.[3] [They] attack settlements along the frontiers and borderlands of civilization without warning, slaughtering their victims and devouring their flesh.[2]

They are usually between 7-8 ft. tall, weighing around 250-320 lbs.,[4] Their whole bodies are covered in reddish-brown fur which becomes shorter as it surrounds their faces and clawed hands to reveal grey colored skin. Their pelts vary from mono-colored to spotted and their eyes are either yellow or black.[5] They use armor made of horn, metal, or leather[3] [or] scavenge [armor and weapons] from the corpses of their fallen victims.[2]

"The origin of the gnolls traces back to...the demon lord Yeenoghu [who transformed] hyenas...into the first gnolls..."[2]

Thirsting for blood and flesh, "no goodness or compassion resides in the heart of a gnoll...it lacks...a conscience... An enemy to all, and when they lack a common foe, they fight among themselves"[2]

Found in Adventures

List of Gnolls

6 Gnolls

Monster Size Type Tags Alignment HP CR Habitat Marked Source
Gnoll Overview Overview Humanoid, Gnoll Noncanon Varied
Gnoll Medium Humanoid Gnoll Chaotic Evil 22 1/2 Desert, Forest, Grassland, Hill Canon SRD-OGL v5.1
Gnoll Fang of Yeenoghu Medium Fiend Gnoll Chaotic Evil 49 4 Desert, Forest, Grassland, Hill Canon, Pointer Monster Manual (5e)
Gnoll Pack Lord Medium Humanoid Gnoll Chaotic Evil 49 2 Desert, Forest, Grassland, Hill Canon, Pointer Monster Manual (5e)
Gnolloch Medium Humanoid Gnoll, Gnolloch any alignment 17 1/4 Arctic, Coastal, Forest, Grassland, Hill Noncanon, User Creation Rlyehable
Gnolloch Bandit or Pirate Medium Humanoid Gnoll, Gnolloch Any Non-Lawful Alignment 9 1/8 Arctic, Coastal, Forest, Grassland, Hill Noncanon, User Creation Rlyehable

Sources and Notes

  1. SRD5:
  2. Christopher Perkins, et. al.. Monster Manual (5e) (5e 2014) (2014-09-30). Wizards of the Coast. Licensed: © Wizards of the Coast. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4
  3. Gary Gygax. Monster Manual (1e) (1e) (1977). TSR. 3.0 3.1
  4. Skip Williams, et. al.. Monster Manual (3.5e) (3.5e) (2003). Wizards of the Coast.
  5. Wikipedia - Gnoll (accessed 2020-1-12). CC-BY-SA

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  Varied Licenses

This is article is covered by varying licenses, rather than the Creative Commons Attribution Sharealike License. Please see the Sources section for individual sources and licenses.

Monster data +

Gnoll (Sort Text: Gnoll AAA Common 5e 5e, Size: Medium, Type: Humanoid, Subtypes: Gnoll, Alignment: Chaotic Evil, HP: 22, CR: 1/2, Features: Rampage Bite Spear Longbow, Has Lair: No, NPC: No, Canon: Yes, Pointer: No, UA: No, User: No, Sources: SRD-OGL v5.1)