Wizards of the Coast

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Wizards of the Coast LLC (often referred to as WotC or simply Wizards) is an American publisher of games, primarily based on fantasy and science fiction themes, and formerly an operator of retail stores for games. Originally a basement-run role-playing game publisher, the company popularized the collectible card game genre with Magic: The Gathering in the mid-1990s, acquired the popular Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game by purchasing the failing company TSR , and further increased its success by publishing the licensed Pokémon Trading Card Game . The company's corporate headquarters are located in Renton , Washington in the United States .[2] Wizards of the Coast publishes role-playing games, board game s, and collectible card games. They have received numerous awards, including several Origins Award s. The company has been a subsidiary of Hasbro since 1999. All Wizards of the Coast stores were closed in 2004.

WotC Publications referenced on this Wiki

153 publications

Title System Author Media Type
Publicaiton:Tomb of Horros Dungeons and Dragons 1e Gary Gygax Softcover
Tomb of Horrors Dungeons and Dragons 1e Gary Gygax Softcover
Eberron Campaign Setting Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Keith Baker et. al. Hardcover
Monster Manual (3.5e) Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Skip Williams et. al. Hardcover
Monster Manual V Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e David Noonan et. al. Hardcover
Races of Stone Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Jesse Decker et. al. Hardcover
Races of the Wild Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Skip Williams Trade Hardcover
SRD v3.5 Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards RPG Team PDF
Underdark Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Bruce R. Cordell et. al. Hardcover
Dragon/298 Dungeons and Dragons 3e Jesse Decker PDF
Faiths and Pantheons Dungeons and Dragons 3e Eric L. Boyd et. al. Hardcover
Fiend Folio (3e) Dungeons and Dragons 3e Eric Cagle et. al. Hardcover
Monster Manual (3e) Dungeons and Dragons 3e Skip Williams et. al. Hardcover
Monster Manual II (3e) Dungeons and Dragons 3e Ed Bonny et. al. Hardcover
Monsters of Faerûn Dungeons and Dragons 3e James Wyatt et. al. Hardcover, Softcover
Oriental Adventures (3e) Dungeons and Dragons 3e James Wyatt Hardcover
Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil Dungeons and Dragons 3e Monte Cook paperback
Dragon/408 Dungeons and Dragons 4e Steve Winter PDF
Eberron Campaign Guide Dungeons and Dragons 4e [[James Wyatt]] et. al. Hardcover
Eberron Player's Guide Dungeons and Dragons 4e J. David Noonan et. al. Hardcover
Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide Dungeons and Dragons 4e Bruce R. Cordell et. al. Hardcover
Monster Manual (4e) Dungeons and Dragons 4e Mike Mearls et. al.
Monster Manual 2 (4e) Dungeons and Dragons 4e Rob Heinsoo et. al. Hardcover
Monster Manual 3 (4e) Dungeons and Dragons 4e Mike Mearls et. al. Hardcover
Player's Handbook (4e) Dungeons and Dragons 4e Rob Heinsoo et. al. Hardback
The Plane Above Dungeons and Dragons 4e Rob Heinsoo et. al. Hardcover
Astral Adventurer's Guide Dungeons and Dragons 5e Christopher Perkins et. al. Hardback
Baldur's Gate Descent into Avernus Dungeons and Dragons 5e Adam Lee et. al. Hardcover
Boo's Astral Menagerie Dungeons and Dragons 5e Christopher Perkins Hardback
Curse of Strahd Dungeons and Dragons 5e Christopher Perkins Hardcover
Descent into the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards RPG Team Digital (D&D Beyond)
Domains of Delight Dungeons and Dragons 5e Adam Lee PDF
Dragonlance Shadow of the Dragon Queen Dungeons and Dragons 5e F. Wesley Schneider et. al. Hardback
Dungeon Master's Guide (5e) Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards RPG Team Hardback
Eberron Rising from the Last War Dungeons and Dragons 5e Keith Baker et. al. Hardback
Errata Monster Manual (5e) v2.0 Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards RPG Team PDF
Errata Monster Manual (5e) v2.0 Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards RPG Team PDF
Errata Spelljammer Adventures in Space Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards RPG Team PDF
Errata Volo's Guide to Monsters Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards RPG Team PDF
Explorer's Guide to Wildemount Dungeons and Dragons 5e Matthew Mercer Hardcover
Fizban's Treasury of Dragons Dungeons and Dragons 5e James Wyatt et. al. Hardback
Ghosts of Saltmarsh Dungeons and Dragons 5e Mike Mearis Hardcover
Guildmasters' Guide to Ravnica Dungeons and Dragons 5e James Wyatt et. al. Hardcover
Guildmasters' Guide to Ravnica Dungeons and Dragons 5e James Wyatt et. al. Hardcover
Hoard of the Dragon Queen Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wolfgang Baur et. al. Hardcover
Icewind Dale Rime of the Frostmaiden Dungeons and Dragons 5e Christopher Perkins et. al. Hardback
Journeys through the Radiant Citadel Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards RPG Team Hardcover
Light of Xaryxis Dungeons and Dragons 5e Christopher Perkins et. al. Hardback
Locathah Rising Dungeons and Dragons 5e Christopher Lindsay PDF
Lost Mine of Phandelver Dungeons and Dragons 5e paperback
Monster Manual (5e) Dungeons and Dragons 5e Christopher Perkins et. al. Hardback
Monsters of the Multiverse Dungeons and Dragons 5e Jeremy Crawford Hardcover
Monstrous Compendium (5e)/Vol 1 Spelljammer Creatures Dungeons and Dragons 5e Christopher Perkins et. al. PDF
Monstrous Compendium (5e)/Vol 2 Dragonlance Creatures Dungeons and Dragons 5e Christopher Perkins et. al. D&D Beyond
Monstrous Compendium (5e)/Vol 3 Minecraft Creatures Dungeons and Dragons 5e Christopher Perkins et. al. D&D Beyond
Monstrous Compendium (5e) Dungeons and Dragons 5e PDF
Mordenkainen’s Fiendish Folio, Volume 1, Monsters Malevolent and Benign Dungeons and Dragons 5e Bill Benham et. al. PDF
Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards RPG Team Hardback
Mythic Odysseys of Theros Dungeons and Dragons 5e F. Wesley Schneider et. al. Hardback
One Grung Above Dungeons and Dragons 5e Christopher Lindsay PDF
Out of the Abyss Dungeons and Dragons 5e Green Ronin et. al. Hardback
Player's Companion Elemental Evil Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards RPG Team PDF, Softcover Color Book
Errata Player's Handbook (5e) v2.0.2 Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards RPG Team PDF
Player's Handbook (5e) Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards RPG Team Hardcover
Princes of the Apocalypse Dungeons and Dragons 5e Richard Baker Hardcover
Quests from the Infinite Staircase Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards RPG Team Hardcover
Spelljammer Adventures in Space (5e) Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards RPG Team Box Set
SRD-CC v5.1 Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards RPG Team PDF
SRD-OGL v5.1 Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards RPG Team PDF
Storm King's Thunder Dungeons and Dragons 5e Christopher Perkins et. al. Hardcover
Strixhaven Dungeons and Dragons 5e Amanda Hamon et. al. Hardback
Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide Dungeons and Dragons 5e Steve Kenson et. al. Hardback
Tales from the Yawning Portal Dungeons and Dragons 5e Kim Mohan et. al. Hardcover
Tasha's Cauldron of Everything Dungeons and Dragons 5e Jeremy Crawford et. al. Hardback
The Rise of Tiamat Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards RPG Team Hardback
The Wild Beyond the Witchlight Dungeons and Dragons 5e Stacey Allan et. al. Hardcover
Tomb of Annihilation Dungeons and Dragons 5e Steve Winter et. al. Hardcover
Tortle Package Dungeons and Dragons 5e Christopher Perkins PDF
Tyranny of Dragons Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wolfgang Baur et. al. Hardcover
UA 2020 Feats Dungeons and Dragons 5e Taymoor Rehman et. al. PDF
UA 2020 Psionic Options Revisited Dungeons and Dragons 5e Jeremy Crawford et. al. PDF
UA 2020 Spells and Magic Tattoos Dungeons and Dragons 5e Ben Petrisor et. al. PDF
UA 2020 Subclasses Part 1 Dungeons and Dragons 5e Ben Petrisor et. al. PDF
UA 2020 Subclasses Part 2 Dungeons and Dragons 5e Ben Petrisor et. al. PDF
UA 2020 Subclasses Part 3 Dungeons and Dragons 5e Ben Petrisor et. al. PDF
UA 2020 Subclasses Part 4 Dungeons and Dragons 5e Ben Petrisor et. al. PDF
UA 2020 Subclasses Part 5 Dungeons and Dragons 5e Dan Dillon et. al. PDF
UA 2020 Subclasses Revisited Dungeons and Dragons 5e Jeremy Crawford et. al. PDF
UA 2021 Draconic Options Dungeons and Dragons 5e Ben Petrisor et. al. PDF
UA 2021 Folk of the Feywild Dungeons and Dragons 5e Taymoor Rehman et. al. PDF
UA 2021 Gothic Lineages Dungeons and Dragons 5e F. Wesley Schneider et. al. PDF
UA 2021 Travelers of the Multiverse Dungeons and Dragons 5e Christopher Perkins et. al. PDF
UA 2022 Giant Options Dungeons and Dragons 5e Makenzie De Armas et. al. PDF
UA 2022 Heroes of Krynn Revisited Dungeons and Dragons 5e Ben Petrisor et. al. PDF
UA 2022 Heroes of Krynn Dungeons and Dragons 5e Ben Petrisor et. al. PDF
UA 2022 Wonders of the Multiverse Dungeons and Dragons 5e Makenzie De Armas et. al. PDF
UA A Trio of Subclasses Dungeons and Dragons 5e Mike Mearls and Jeremy Crawford PDF
UA Artificer 2019 Dungeons and Dragons 5e Jeremy Crawford et. al. PDF
UA Artificer2 2019 Dungeons and Dragons 5e Jeremy Crawford et. al. PDF
UA Barbarian and Monk Dungeons and Dragons 5e Ben Petrisor et. al. PDF
UA Barbarian Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards RPG Team PDF
UA Bard and Paladin Dungeons and Dragons 5e Ari Levitch et. al. PDF
UA Bard Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards RPG Team PDF
UA Class Feature Variants Dungeons and Dragons 5e Jeremy Crawford et. al. PDF
UA Classics Revisited Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards RPG Team PDF
UA Cleric, Druid and Wizard Dungeons and Dragons 5e Dan Dillon et. al. PDF
UA Cleric Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards RPG Team PDF
UA Druid Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards RPG Team PDF
UA Feats for Races Dungeons and Dragons 5e Robert J. Schwalb et. al. PDF
UA Fighter, Ranger, and Rogue Dungeons and Dragons 5e Ben Petrisor et. al. PDF
UA Fighter, Rogue, and Wizard Dungeons and Dragons 5e Jeremy Crawford et. al. PDF
UA Fighter Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards RPG Team PDF
UA Gothic Heroes Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards RPG Team PDF
UA Modern Magic Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards RPG Team PDF
UA Monk Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards RPG Team PDF
UA Non-Divine Faithful SFG Dungeons and Dragons 5e Mike Mearls et. al. PDF
UA Paladin Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards RPG Team PDF
UA Psionics and Mystic v2 Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards RPG Team PDF
UA Psionics Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards RPG Team PDF
UA Revised Ranger Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards RPG Team PDF
UA Revised Subclasses Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards RPG Team PDF
UA Sorcerer and Warlock Dungeons and Dragons 5e Dan Dillon et. al. PDF
UA Sorcerer Dungeons and Dragons 5e Mike Mearls et. al. PDF
UA Starter Spells Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards RPG Team PDF
UA That Old Black Magic Dungeons and Dragons 5e Mike Mearls PDF
UA Three Subclasses Dungeons and Dragons 5e Mike Mearls et. al. PDF
UA Underdark Dungeons and Dragons 5e Mike Mearls PDF
UA Waterborne v3 Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards RPG Team PDF
UA Wizard Revisited Dungeons and Dragons 5e Mike Mearls et. al. PDF
Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards D&D Team Hardcover
Volo's Guide to Monsters Dungeons and Dragons 5e Mike Mearls et. al. Hardback
Waterdeep Dragon Heist Dungeons and Dragons 5e Christopher Perkins et. al. Hardcover
Waterdeep Dungeon of the Mad Mage Dungeons and Dragons 5e Christopher Perkins et. al. Hardcover
Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron Dungeons and Dragons 5e Keith Baker et. al. PDF
Xanathar's Guide to Everything Dungeons and Dragons 5e Mike Mearls et. al. Hardback
UA 2021 Mages of Strixhaven Dungeons and Dragons 5e Makenzie De Armas et. al. PDF
Dungeon Master's Guide (5e24) Dungeons and Dragons 5e 2024 Wizards RPG Team Hardcover
Monster Manual (5e24) Dungeons and Dragons 5e 2024 Wizards RPG Team Hardcover
Player's Handbook (5e24) Dungeons and Dragons 5e 2024 Wizards RPG Team Hardcover
UA 2024 The Artificer Dungeons and Dragons 5e 2024 Christopher Perkins et. al. PDF
UA 2025 Eberron Updates Dungeons and Dragons 5e 2024 WotC RPG team PDF
UA 2024 The Artificer Dungeons and Dragons 5e 2024 WotC RPG team PDF
DnD Next Playtest Packet 20130128 Dungeons and Dragons Next Wizards RPG Team PDF
UA 2022 Character Origins Dungeons and Dragons One D&D Jeremy Crawford et. al. PDF
UA 2022 Cleric and Revised Species Dungeons and Dragons One D&D Jeremy Crawford et. al. PDF
UA 2022 Expert Classes Dungeons and Dragons One D&D Jeremy Crawford et. al. PDF
UA 2023 Bastions and Cantrips Dungeons and Dragons One D&D WotC RPG Team PDF
UA 2023 Druid and Paladin Dungeons and Dragons One D&D Jeremy Crawford et. al. PDF
UA 2023 Player's Handbook Playtest 5 Dungeons and Dragons One D&D Jeremy Crawford et. al. PDF
UA 2023 Player's Handbook Playtest 6 Dungeons and Dragons One D&D Jeremy Crawford et. al. PDF
UA 2023 Player's Handbook Playtest 7 Dungeons and Dragons One D&D Jeremy Crawford et. al. PDF
UA 2023 Player's Handbook Playtest 8 Dungeons and Dragons One D&D WotC RPG Team PDF
UA 2023 Bastions and Cantrips Dungeons and Dragons One D&D WotC RPG Team PDF


  1. Wikipedia - Wizards of the Coast (accessed 2019-11-18)
  2. "Contact Us". Wizards of the Coast. Retrieved on May 2, 2010.