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Xanathar's Guide to Everything
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5e Spell Whirlwind
7th-level evocation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range:  300 feet
Components: V, M (a piece of straw)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Scales: No
Casters: Druid, Wizard

Unofficial Description: Creates a small tornado that sucks targets into it, causing them bludgeoning damage and restraining them. The caster may move the whirlwind.

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Xanathar's Guide to Everything Contrigubtions +

157 articles
Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting, Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting, Absorb Elements, Absorb Elements, Aganazzar's Schorcher, Aganazzar's Schorcher, Arcane Archer, Aspect of the Moon, Beast Bond, Beast Bond, Bones of the Earth, Bones of the Earth, Bountiful Luck, Catapult Spell, Catnap, Cause Fear, Cause Fear, Cavalier, Ceremony, Ceremony, Chaos Bolt, Charm Monster, Circle of Dreams, Circle of the Shepherd, Cloak of Flies, College of Glamour, College of Swords, College of Whispers, Control Flames, Control Flames, Control Winds, Create Bonfire, Create Homunculus, Crown of Stars, Danse Macabre, Dawn, Divine Soul, Dragon Fear, Dragon Hide, Dragon's Breath, Drow High Magic, Druid Grove, Dust Devil Spell, Dwarven Fortitude, Earth Tremor, Earthbind, Eldritch Smite, Elemental Bane, Elven Accuracy, Enemies Abound, Enervation, Erupting Earth, Fade Away, Far Step, Fey Teleportation, Find Greater Steed, Flame Arrows, Flames of Phlegethos, Forge Domain, Frostbite, Ghostly Gaze, Gift of the Depths, Gift of the Ever-Living Ones, Gloom Stalker, Grasp of Hadar, Grave Domain, Guardian of Nature, Gust, Healing Spirit, Holy Weapon, Horizon Walker, Ice Knife, Illusory Dragon, Immolation, Improved Pact Weapon, Infernal Calling, Infernal Constitution, Infestation, Inquisitive, Investiture of Flame, Investiture of Ice, Investiture of Stone, Investiture of Wind, Invulnerability, Lance of Lethargy, Life Transference, Maddening Darkness, Maddening Hex, Maelstrom, Magic Stone, Mass Polymorph, Maximilian's Earthen Grasp, Melf's Minute Meteors, Mental Prison, Mighty Fortress, Mind Spike, Mold Earth, Monster Slayer, Negative Energy Flood, Oath of Conquest, Oath of Redemption, Orcish Fury, Path of the Ancestral Guardian, Path of the Storm Herald, Path of the Zealot, Power Word Pain, Primal Savagery, Primordial Ward, Prodigy, Psychic Scream, Pyrotechnics, Relentless Hex, Samurai, Scatter, Scout, Second Chance, Shadow Blade, Shadow Magic, Shadow of Moil, Shroud of Shadow, Sickening Radiance, Skill Empowerment, Skywrite, Snare, Snilloc's Snowball Swarm, Soul Cage, Squat Nimbleness, Steel Wind Strike, Storm Sphere, Summon Greater Demon, Summon Lesser Demons, Synaptic Static, Temple of the Gods, Tenser's Transformation, The Celestial, The Hexblade, Tidal Wave, Tiny Servant, Tiny Servant/Construct, Toll the Dead, Tomb of Levistus, Transmute Rock, Trickster's Escape, Vitriolic Sphere, Wall of Light, Wall of Sand, Wall of Water, War Magic, Warding Wind, Watery Sphere, Way of the Druken Master, Way of the Kensei, Whirlwind, Wood Elf Magic, Word of Radiance, Wrath of Nature, Zephyr Strike