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Assassin exists in other D&D editions see:

Assassin (disambiguation).

5e Pointer  + 
Player's Handbook (5e24)

Rogue subclass

Practice the Grim Art of Death

Unofficial Description: These rouges specialize in poison and disguise.

Assassin Features

Rogue Level Features  
3rd Assassinate, Assassin's Tools 
9th Infiltration Expertise 
13th Envenom Weapons 
17th Death Strike



3rd level Assassin feature.
Unofficial Summary: You gain the following benefits:

Assassin's Tools

3rd level Assassin feature.
Unofficial Summary: Gain Proficiency with Disguise Kit and a Poisoner's Kits and add them to your inventory. 

Infiltration Expertise

9th level Assassin feature.
Unofficial Summary: Gain the following abilities:

  • Masterful Mimicry. Can mimic a person's speech and handwriting (must observe them for a period of time).
  • Roving Aim. Steady Aim doesn't reduce your Speed

Envenom Weapons

13th level Assassin feature.
Unofficial Summary: Cunning Strike's Poison option now causes Poison damage if they fail the save and ignores Resistance

Death Strike

17th level Assassin feature.
Unofficial Summary: On the first round of combat, Sneak Attack does double damage (Constitution save to avoid).

Sources and Notes

  1. Wizards RPG Team. Player's Handbook (5e24) (5e 2024) (2024-09-17). Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 9780786969821. p. 134. Licensed: © Wizards of the Coast (used under 'fair use' clause).

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