5e24:Circle of the Land

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Circle of the Land exists in other D&D editions see:

Circle of the Land (disambiguation).

5e Pointer  + 
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2024FR, PHB5e24
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Circle of the Land (pointer) [1] [2]
Druid subclass

Celebrate Connection to the Natural World

Unofficial Description: These druids are mystics and sages, keepers of knowledge and rites.

Circle of the Land Features

Druid Level Features  
3rd Circle of the Land Spells, Land's Aid 
6th Natural Recovery 
10th Nature's Ward 
14th Nature's Sanctuary


Circle of the Land Spells

3rd level Circle of the Land feature.
Unofficial Summary: At the end of a Long Rest you choose one aspect of the land. You know the druid spells associated with the aspect you chose and up to your Druid level.

Arid Land Spells

Druid Level Spells  
3rd Blur, Burning Hands, Fire Bolt 
5th Fireball 
7th Blight 
9th Wall of Stone

Polar Land Spells

Druid Level Spells  
3rd Fog Cloud, Hold Person, Ray of Frost 
5th Sleet Storm 
7th Ice Storm 
9th Cone of Cold

Temperate Land Spells

Druid Level Spells  
3rd Misty Step, Shocking Grasp, Sleep 
5th Lightning Bolt 
7th Freedom of Movement 
9th Tree Stride

Tropical Land Spells

Druid Level Spells  
3rd Acid Splash, Ray of Sickness, Web 
5th Stinking Cloud 
7th Polymorph 
9th Insect Plague

Land's Aid

3rd level Circle of the Land feature.
Unofficial Summary: Use a Magic action and Wild Shape use to cause an area to be filled with magical plants. These plants cause enemies to take Necrotic Damaage (Constitution Save for Half damage) and allies to regain Hit Points. Damage and healing increase at 10th and 14th Druid levels. 

Natural Recovery

6th level Circle of the Land feature.
Unofficial Summary: Once per Long Rest, you can cast one of your Circle of the Land Spells without expending a Spell Slot. And, once per Long Rest, at the end of a Short Rest, you can recover some expended spell slots. 

Nature's Ward

10th level Circle of the Land feature.
Unofficial Summary: Become Immune to being Poisoned and gain Resistance to a Damage Type determined by your Circle of the Land Spells aspect choice.

Nature's Ward
Land Type Resistance
Arid Fire
Polar Cold
Temperate Lightning
Tropical Poison

Nature's Sanctuary

14th level Circle of the Land feature.
Unofficial Summary: Use a Magic Action and Wild Shape use to cause trees and vines to grow in a large area around you. These provide Half Cover for you and your allies and your allies gain your Nature's Ward resistance. You may use a Bonus Action to move the area of trees. The trees and vines disappear after a while.

Sources and Notes

  1. Wizards RPG Team. 2024 D&D Free Rules (5e 2024) (2024-09-03). Wizards of the Coast, D&D Beyond. Licensed: © Wizards of the Coast (used under 'fair use' clause).
  2. Wizards RPG Team. Player's Handbook (5e24) (5e 2024) (2024-09-17). Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 9780786969821. p. 84-86. Licensed: © Wizards of the Coast (used under 'fair use' clause).

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