5e24:Circle of the Sea

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Circle of the Sea exists in other D&D editions see:

Circle of the Sea (disambiguation).

5e Pointer  + 
Player's Handbook (5e24)
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Circle of the Sea (pointer) [1]
Druid subclass

Become One with Tides and Storms

Unofficial Description: These druids are pull primal energy from sea and storm.

Circle of the Sea Features

Druid Level Features  
3rd Circle of the Sea Spells, Wrath of the Sea 
6th Aquatic Affinity 
10th Stormborn 
14th Oceanic Gift


Circle of the Sea Spells

3rd level Circle of the Sea feature.
Unofficial Summary: You always have the following Spells and they count as Druid spells for you.

Circle of the Moon Spells

Druid Level Spells  
3rd Fog Cloud, Gust of Wind, Ray of Frost, Shatter, Thunderwave 
5th Lightning Bolt, Water Breathing 
7th Control Water, Ice Storm 
9th Conjure Elemental, Hold Monster

Wrath of the Sea

3rd level Circle of the Sea feature.
Unofficial Summary: Use a Bonus Action and use of Wild Shape to create an area (Emanation) around yourself for an extended period of time. Each Turn you may choose another Creature in the area to take Cold Damage and be Pushed (Large or smaller; Constitution Save to avoid). 

Aquatic Affinity

6th level Circle of the Sea feature.
Unofficial Summary: Wrath of the Sea's area increases and gives you a Swim Speed


10th level Circle of the Sea feature.
Unofficial Summary: Wrath of the Sea gives you additional benefits:

Oceanic Gift

14th level Circle of the Sea feature.
Unofficial Summary: You can center the Wrath of the Sea around another willing creature. If you expend 2 uses of Wild Shape instead of 1, you can have the emanation from both you and the willing creature.

Sources and Notes

  1. Wizards RPG Team. Player's Handbook (5e24) (5e 2024) (2024-09-17). Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 9780786969821. p. 87-88. Licensed: © Wizards of the Coast (used under 'fair use' clause).

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