5e24:College of Glamour

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College of Glamour exists in other D&D editions see:

College of Glamour (disambiguation).

5e Pointer  + 
Player's Handbook (5e24)
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College of Glamour (pointer) [1]
Bard subclass

Weave Beguiling Fey Magic

UNofficial Description: These bards utilize the beautiful and terrorizing magic of the Feywild

College of Glamour Features

Bard Level Features  
3rd Beguiling Magic, Mantle of Inspiration 
6th Mantle of Majesty 
14th Unbreakable Majesty


Beguiling Magic

3rd level College of Glamour feature.
Unofficial Summary: Know and have prepared Charm Person and Mirror Image. Additionally, once per Long Rest, when the bard casts an Enchantment or Illusion spell Creatures are Charmed or Frightened (Spell Save negates). 

Mantle of Inspiration

3rd level College of Glamour feature.
Unofficial Summary: The bard uses a Bonus Action and Bardic Inspiration to give creatures Temporary Hit Points. The creatures can then use a Reaction to move a limited distance. 

Mantle of Majesty

6th level College of Glamour feature.
Unofficial Summary: The bard always have the Command spell prepared.

Once per Long Rest the bard casts Command without expending a spell slot and it appears unearthly for a period of time. During this time, Command can be cast as a Bonus Action. Charmed creatures automatically fail saves vs. the Command spell. This ability may be recharged by expending a mid-level spell slot. 

Unbreakable Majesty

14th level College of Glamour feature.
Unofficial Summary: Once per Rest, he bard uses a Bonus Action to become "magically majestic" for a short period of time. While majestic if a creature makes an Attack Roll against the bard, it must attempt a Charisma save, missing the bard on a fail.

Sources and Notes

  1. Wizards RPG Team. Player's Handbook (5e24) (5e 2024) (2024-09-17). Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 9780786969821. p. 64. Licensed: © Wizards of the Coast (used under 'fair use' clause).

Template:5e24 Bard Breadcrumb
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