View table: 5e24_Class_Traits
Table structure:
- Class_Name - String
- Sort_Text - String
- Prime_Ability - Wikitext string
- Hit_Die - String
- Save_Prof - List of Wikitext string, delimiter: ,
- Skill_Prof - List of Wikitext string, delimiter: ,
- Weapon_Prof - List of Wikitext string, delimiter: ,
- Armor_Prof - List of Wikitext string, delimiter: ,
- Tool_Prof - List of Wikitext string, delimiter: ,
- Start_Equip - List of Wikitext string, delimiter: ,
- Prerequisites - List of Wikitext string, delimiter: *
- Class_Summary - Wikitext
- Canon_Class - Boolean
- Sidekick - Boolean
- UA - Boolean
- Pointer - Boolean
- Class_Features - List of Wikitext string, delimiter: ,
This table has 13 rows altogether.
Page | Class Name | Sort Text | Prime Ability | Hit Die | Save Prof | Skill Prof | Weapon Prof | Armor Prof | Tool Prof | Start Equip | Prerequisites | Class Summary | Canon Class | Sidekick | UA | Pointer | Class Features |
5e24:Artificer (edit) | Artificer | Artificer 5e24 | 8 | • • • • • • | Light and Medium Armor and Shields |
• • and one Type of Artisan's Tools |
Choose A or B: (A) Studded Leather Armor • • • • •and 16 GP; or (B) 150 GP |
No | No | No | Magical Tinkering •Spellcasting •Replicate Magic Item •Artificer Subclass •Right Tool for the Job •Ability Score Improvement •Magic Item Tinker •Flash of Genius •Magic Item Adept •Spell-Storing Item •Magic Item Savant •Magic Item Master •Epic Boon •Soul of Artifice |
5e24:Barbarian (edit) | Barbarian | Barbarian 5e24 | 12 | Strength and Constitution |
• • • • • or Survival |
Light and Medium Armor and Shields |
Choose A or B: (A) Greataxe •4 Handaxes • •and 15 GP; or (B) 75 GP |
No | No | No | Rage •Unarmored Defense •Weapon Mastery •Danger Sense •Reckless Attack •Barbarian Subclass •Primal Knowledge •Ability Score Improvement •Extra Attack •Mast Movement •Feral Instinct •Instinctive Pounce •Brutal Strike •Relentless Rage •Improved Brutal Strike •Persistent Rage •Indomitable Might •Epic Boon •Primal Champion |
5e24:Bard (edit) | Bard | Bard 5e24 | 8 | Choose A or B: (A) Leather Armor •2 Daggers •Musical Instrument of your choice • •and 19 GP; or (B) 90 GP |
No | No | No | Bardic Inspiration •Spellcasting •Expertise •Jack of All Trades •Bard Subclass •Ability Score Improvement •Font of Inspiration •Countercharm •Magical Secrets •Superior Inspiration •Epic Boon •Words of Creation |
5e24:Cleric (edit) | Cleric | Cleric 5e24 | 8 | • • • • or Religion |
Light and Medium Armor and Shields |
Choose A or B: (A) Chain Shirt • • • • •and 7 GP; or (B) 110 GP |
No | No | No | Spellcasting •Divine Order •Channel Divinity •Cleric Subclass •Ability Score Improvement •Sear Undead •Blessed Strikes •Divine Intervention •Improved Blessed Strikes •Epic Boon •Greater Divine Intervention |
5e24:Druid (edit) | Druid | Druid 5e24 | 8 | Intelligence and Wisdom |
• • • • • • • or Survival |
Light Armor and Shields |
Choose A or B: (A) Leather Armor • • • • • •and 9 GP; or (B) 50 GP |
No | No | No | Spellcasting •Druidic •Primal Order •Wild Shape •Wild Companion •Druid Subclass •Ability Score Improvement •Wild Resurgence •Elemental Fury •Improved Elemental Fury •Beast Spells •Epic Boon •Archdruid |
5e24:Fighter (edit) | Fighter | Fighter 5e24 | 10 | Strength and Constitution |
• • • • • • • • or Survival |
• • and Heavy Armor and Shields |
Choose A •B •or C: (A) Chain Mail • • •8 Javelins • •and 4 GP; Studded Leather Armor • • • •20 Arrows • • •and 11 GP; or (C) 155 GP |
No | No | No | Fighting Style •Second Wind •Weapon Mastery •Action Surge •Tactical Mind •Fighter Subclass •Ability Score Improvement •Extra Attack •Tactical Shift •Indomitable •Tactical Master •Two Extra Attacks •Studied Attacks •Epic Boon •Three Extra Attacks |
5e24:Monk (edit) | Monk | Monk 5e24 | 8 | • • • • • or Stealth |
Simples and Martial Weapons that have the Light property |
None |
Choose A •or B: (A) Spear •5 Daggers •Artisan's Tools or Musical Instrument chosen for the tool proficiency above • •and 11 GP; or (B) 50 GP |
No | No | No | Martial Arts •Unarmored Defense •Monk's Focus •Unarmored Movement •Uncanny Metabolism •Deflect Attacks •Monk Subclass •Ability Score Improvement •Slow Fall •Extra Attack •Stunning Strike •Empowered Strike •Evasion •Acrobatic Movement •Heightened Focus •Self-Restoration •Deflect Energy •Disciplined Survivor •Perfect Focus •Superior Defense •Epic Boon •Body and Mind |
5e24:Paladin (edit) | Paladin | Paladin 5e24 | 10 | • • • • • or Religion |
• • and Heavy Armor and Shields |
Choose A •or B: (A) Chain Mail • • •6 Javelins • • •and 9 GP; or (B) 150 GP |
No | No | Yes | Lay on Hands •Spellcasting •Weapon Mastery •Fighting Style •Paladin's Smite •Channel Divinity •Paladin Subclass •Ability Score Improvement •Extra Attack •Faithful Steed •Aura of Protection •Abjure Foes •Aura of Courage •Radiant Strikes •Restoring Touch •Aura Expansion •Epic Boon |
5e24:Ranger (edit) | Ranger | Ranger 5e24 | 10 | • • • • • • • or Survival |
• • and Shields |
Choose A •or B: (A) Studded Leather Armor • • • •20 Arrows • •Druidic Focus (sprig of mistletoe) • •and 7 GP; or (B) 150 GP |
No | No | No | Spellcasting •Favored Enemy •Weapon Mastery •Deft Explorer •Fighting Style •Ranger Subclass •Ability Score Improvement •Extra Attack •Roving •Expertise •Tireless •Relentless Hunter •Nature's Veil •Precise Hunter •Feral Senses •Epic Boon •Foe Slayer |
5e24:Rogue (edit) | Rogue | Rogue 5e24 | 8 | • • • • • • • • • or Stealth |
Simples and Martial Weapons that have the Finesse or Light property |
Choose A •or B: (A) Leather Armor •2 Daggers • • •20 Arrows • • • •and 8 GP; or (B) 100 GP |
No | No | No | Expertise •Sneak Attack •Thieves' Cant •Weapon Mastery •Cunning Action •Rogue Subclass •Steady Aim •Ability Score Improvement •Cunning Strike •Uncanny Dodge •Expertise •Evasion •Reliable Talent •Improved Cunning Strike •Devious Strikes •Slippery Mind •Elusive •Epic Boon •Stroke of Luck |
5e24:Sorcerer (edit) | Sorcerer | Sorcerer 5e24 | 6 | Constitution and Charisma |
• • • • • or Religion |
None |
Choose A •or B: (A) Spear •2 Daggers •Arcane Focus (crystal) • •and 28 GP; or (B) 50 GP |
No | No | No | Spellcasting •Innate Sorcery •Font of Magic •Metamagic •Sorcerer Subclass •Ability Score Improvement •Sorcerous Restoration •Sorcery Incarnate •Epic Boon •Arcane Apotheosis |
5e24:Warlock (edit) | Warlock | Warlock 5e24 | 8 | • • • • • • or Religion |
Choose A •or B: (A) Leather Armor • •2 Daggers •Arcane Focus (orb) •Book (occult lore) • •and 15 GP; or (B) 100 GP |
No | No | No | Eldritch Invocations •Pact Magic •Magical Cunning •Warlock Subclass •Ability Score Improvement •Contact Patron •Mystic Arcanum •Epic Boon •Eldritch Master |
5e24:Wizard (edit) | Wizard | Wizard 5e24 | 6 | Intelligence and Wisdom |
• • • • • • or Religion |
None |
Choose A •or B: (A) 2 Daggers • • • • •and 5 GP; or (B) 55 GP |
No | No | No | Spellcasting •Ritual Adept •Arcane Recovery •Scholar •Wizard Subclass •Ability Score Improvement •Memorize Spell •Spell Mastery •Epic Boon •Signature Spells |