View table: 5e_Pantheon

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Table structure:

  1. Name - Text
  2. Sort_Text - Text
  3. Title - List of Text, delimiter: ,
  4. Type - Text
  5. Worshipers - List of Text, delimiter: ,
  6. Summary - Text

This table has 18 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page Name Sort Text Title Type Worshipers Summary
5e:Dragon Pantheon Dragon Pantheon 5e Dragons Dragon Gods
5e:Dragonlance Pantheon Dragonlance Pantheon 5e Varied Gods of [[5e:Dragonlance|Dragonlance]]
5e:Duergar Pantheon Duergar Pantheon 5e Duergar
5e:Dwarven Pantheon Dwarven Pantheon 5e Elves
5e:Eberron Pantheon Eberron Pantheon 5e Varied Gods of [[5e:Eberron|Eberron]]
5e:Elemental Evil Pantheon Elemental Evil Pantheon 5e Elementals, Primordial Powers Cultists Evil Elemental Powers
5e:Elven Pantheon Elven Pantheon 5e
5e:Gnomish Pantheon Gnomish Pantheon 5e Gnome
5e:Greyhawk Pantheon Greyhawk Pantheon 5e Gods of Greyhawk
5e:Halfling Pantheon Halfling Pantheon 5e Halflings
5e:Mordinsamman Mordinsamman Pantheon 5e Dwarves
5e:Orc Pantheon Orc Pantheon 5e Orc
5e:Serpent Gods Pantheon Serpent Gods Pantheon 5e Primordials, Deities Humans Yuan-ti Primordial serpents and those raised to deific status.
5e:Theran Pantheon Theran Pantheon 5e Human Gods of [[5e:Theros|Theros]]
SRD5:Celtic Pantheon Celtic Pantheon SRD5 Human Celtic gods
SRD5:Egyptian Pantheon Egyptian Pantheon SRD5 Human Egyptian gods
SRD5:Greek Pantheon Greek Pantheon SRD5 Human Greek gods
SRD5:Norse Pantheon Norse Pantheon SRD5 Human Norse gods