One:Light Domain

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One D&D Pointer  +
UA 2023 Player's Handbook Playtest 6
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Design Note: Light Domain Updates

[1] Here are the main updates in this subclass since the Player's Handbook (5e):

  • Bonus Cantrip has been replaced by Divine Order in the base class.
  • Domain Spells contains several different spells, fleshing out the list with options that emphasize revelation.
  • Warding Flare now has Improved Flare rolled into it, allowing the Cleric to use the feature on themselves and their allies.
  • Revealing Light is a new 6th-level feature.
  • Potent Spellcasting has been replaced by Blessed Strikes in the base class.
  • Corona of Light now also benefits Radiance of the Dawn, and it no longer requires an action to deactivate early.

Light Domain[1] subclass
Light Domain is a subclass of the Cleric class.

Unofficial Description: The light domain focuses on light, truth, and punishing fire.

Light Domain Features

Cleric Level Features  
3rd Domain Spells, Warding Flare, Radiance of the Dawn 
6th Revealing Light 
17th Corona of Light


Subclass Features

Domain Spells

3rd Feature
Summary: At 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th levels you gain additional spells that you always have prepared. 

Warding Flare

3rd Feature
Summary: A limited number of times per day use your Reaction to cause a nearby creature to have Disadvantage on an attack roll by causing a flare of light. 

Radiance of the Dawn

3rd Feature
Summary: Use a Magic action and expend a use of Channel Divinity to project sunlight in a sphere that dispells magical darkness and damages enemies (Constitution saving throw for half [2] damage). 

Revealing Light

6th Feature
Summary: Once per day cast See Invisibility without expending a spell slot as a Bonus Action on you and nearby allies. You also project Bright Light for a short radius until the spell ends. 

Corona of Light

17th Feature
Summary: Use a Magic action to emit sunlight in a sphere for 1 minute. This causes enemies to have Disadvantage on your saving throws against your Radiance of Light and spells the cause Fire damage.

End of the source material

Light Domain Deities

33 official and unofficial deific beings.

Type Gender Portfolio Alignment Domains Plane Symbol Pantheon Worshipers Source
Aphrodite Deity Female Love and beauty Chaotic Good Light Arborea Sea shell Greek Humans Canon SRD-OGL v5.1
Apollo Deity Male Light, music, and healing Chaotic Good Knowledge, Life, Light Arborea Lyre Greek Humans Canon SRD-OGL v5.1
Araleth Letheranil Deity Male Light, stars, revelations Chaotic Good Knowledge, Light Unstated Shaft of Light Elven, Seldarine Elves Canon, Pointer Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes
Balder Deity Male Beauty and poetry Neutral Good Life, Light Ysgard (Asgard) Gem-­encrusted silver chalice Norse Humans Canon SRD-OGL v5.1
Belenus Deity Male Sun, light, and warmth Neutral Good Light Unstated Solar disk and standing stones Celtic Humans Canon SRD-OGL v5.1
Berronar Truesilver Deity Female Hearth, home, truth Lawful Good Life, Light Unstated Intertwined silver rings Dwarven, Mordinsamman Dwarves Canon, Pointer Varied, SCAG, MToF
Bleredd Deity Unstated Labor, craft Neutral Forge, Light Bytopia (Dothion, The Golden Hills) Iron Mule Gnomish Gnomes Canon, Pointer Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes
Branchala Deity Male Music Neutral Good Light Unstated Bard's harp Dragonlance Unstated Canon, Pointer Player's Handbook (5e)
Corellon Larethian Deity Androgenous Elves, Art, and Magic Chaotic Good Arcana, Life, Light, War Unstated Quarter moon or starburst Elven, Seldarine Elves Canon, Pointer Varied, PHB5, SCAG, MToF
Darahl Tilvenar Deity Male Fire, earth, metalwork Lawful Neutral Forge, Light Arvandor Flame between hands Elven, Seldarine Elves Canon, Pointer Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes
Dol Arrah Deity Female Sunlight and honor Lawful Good Light, Twilight, War Unstated Rising sun Eberron, The Sovereign Host Unstated Canon, Pointer Player's Handbook (5e)
Eilstraee Deity Female Freedom, moonlight, song Chaotic Good Life, Light, Nature Unstated Sword-wielding, dancing female drow silhouetted against the full moon Elven, Dark Seldarine Elves Canon, Pointer Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes
Ephara Deity Female the polis Lawful Neutral Knowledge, Light Unstated Urn pouring water Theros Unstated Canon, Pointer Mythic Odysseys of Theros
Forseti Deity Male Justice and law Neutral Light Ysgard (Asgard) Head of a bearded man Norse Humans Canon SRD-OGL v5.1
Frey Deity Male Fertility and the sun Neutral Good Life, Light Ysgard (Asgard) Ice-­blue greatsword Norse Humans Canon SRD-OGL v5.1
Frigga Deity Female Birth and fertility Neutral Life, Light Ysgard (Asgard) Cat Norse Huamns Canon SRD-OGL v5.1
Hathor Deity Male Love, music, and motherhood Neutral Good Life, Light Unstated Horned cow's head with lunar disk Egyptian Humans Canon SRD-OGL v5.1
Heimdall Deity Male Watchfulness and loyalty Lawful Good Light, War, Unity Ysgard (Asgard) Curling musical horn Norse Humans Canon SRD-OGL v5.1
Heliod Deity Male the sun Lawful Good Light Unstated Laurel crown Theros Unstated Canon, Pointer Mythic Odysseys of Theros
Helm Deity Male Protection Lawful Neutral Life, Light Unstated Staring eye on upright left gauntlet Forgotten Realms Unstated Canon, Pointer Player's Handbook (5e)
Lathander Deity Male Birth and renewal Neutral Good Life, Light Unstated Road traveling into a sunrise Forgotten Realms Unstated Canon, Pointer Player's Handbook (5e)
Milil Deity Male Poetry and song Neutral Good Light Unstated Five-stringed harp made of leaves Forgotten Realms Unstated Canon, Pointer Player's Handbook (5e)
Odur Deity Male Light and the sun Chaotic Good Light Ysgard (Asgard) Solar disk Norse Humans Canon SRD-OGL v5.1
The Path of Light Philosophy n/a Light and self-improvement Lawful Neutral Life, Light Unstated Brilliant crystal Eberron Unstated Canon, Pointer Varied, PHB5, ERftLW
Pelor Deity Male Sun and healing Neutral Good Life, Light Unstated Sun Greyhawk Unstated Canon, Pointer Player's Handbook (5e)
Pholtus Deity Male Light and law Lawful Good Light, Order Unstated Silver sun or full moon partially eclipsed by a smaller crescent moon Greyhawk Unstated Canon, Pointer Player's Handbook (5e)
Re-­Horakhty Deity Male The sun Lawful Good Life, Light Unstated Solar disk encircled by serpent Egyptian Humans Canon SRD-OGL v5.1
Segojan Earthcaller Deity Male Earth, the dead Neutral Good Grave, Light Bytopia (Dothion, The Golden Hills) Glowing gemstones Gnomish Gnomes Canon, Pointer Varied, SCAG, MToF
Sehanine Moonbow Deity Female Dreams, death, travel, and the Moon Chaotic Good Grave, Knowledge, Light Unstated Crescent moon, Full moon under a moonbow Elven, Seldarine Elves Canon, Pointer Varied, PHB5, MToF
Sheyanna Flaxenstrand Deity Unstated Love, beauty, passion Chaotic Good Light Bytopia (Dothion, The Golden Hills) Two silver goblets Gnomish Gnomes Canon, Pointer Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes
The Silver Flame Deity Unstated Protection and good Lawful Good Life, Light, War Unstated Flame drawn on silver or molded from silver Eberron Unstated Canon, Pointer Varied, PHB5, ERftLW
Sune Deity Female Love and beauty Chaotic Good Life, Light Unstated Face of a beautiful read-haired woman Forgotten Realms Unstated Canon, Pointer Player's Handbook (5e)
Tharmekhûl Deity Male Fire, forges, molten rock Neutral Forge, Light Unstated Fiery axe Dwarven, Mordinsamman Dwarves Canon, Pointer Varied, MToF

Sources and Notes

  1. Jeremy Crawford, et. al.. UA 2023 Player's Handbook Playtest 6 (Dungeons and Dragons One D&D) (2023-06-29). Wizards of the Coast. Licensed: © Wizards of the Coast (used under 'fair use' clause). 1.0 1.1
  2. Rule Tip: Round Down. Whenever you end up with a fraction in the game, round down, even if the fraction is one-half or greater, unless a rule explicitly tells you to round up. - Player's Handbook (5e) p.7, UA 2020 Subclasses Part 3.

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