5e:Beast Master

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Player's Handbook (5e)
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Beast Master is a Ranger Archetype of the Ranger class described in Player's Handbook (5e).


Ranger's Companion or Primal Companion (3rd level) — Primal Companion is from TCoE[1]
Exceptional Training (7th level)
Bestial Fury (11th level)
Share Spells (15 level)

Unofficial Description: These rangers cultivate friendships with beasts

End of the source material

List of Beast Companions

Error 1054: Unknown column 'rly2_cargo__Pages_Info.Hidden' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `rly2_cargo__Pages_Info`.`_pageID` AS `cargo_backlink_page_id_Pages_Info`,`rly2_cargo__5eMonster`.`_pageID` AS `cargo_backlink_page_id_5eMonster`,COUNT(`rly2_cargo__5eMonster`.`_pageName`) AS `_pageName)` FROM `rly2_cargo__5eMonster` LEFT OUTER JOIN `rly2_cargo__Pages_Info` ON ((`rly2_cargo__5eMonster`.`_pageName`=`rly2_cargo__Pages_Info`.`_pageName`)) WHERE (`rly2_cargo__5eMonster`.`Type`="Beast" OR `rly2_cargo__5eMonster`.`_ID` IN (SELECT `_rowID` FROM `rly2_cargo__5eMonster__Monster_Tags` WHERE `_value`= "Beast") ) AND ((`rly2_cargo__Pages_Info`.`Hidden`=0 OR `rly2_cargo__Pages_Info`.`Hidden` IS NULL) AND (`rly2_cargo__5eMonster`.`Challenge_Rating`="0" OR `rly2_cargo__5eMonster`.`Challenge_Rating`="1/4") AND ((`rly2_cargo__5eMonster`.`Monster_Size`="Tiny" OR ((`rly2_cargo__5eMonster`.`Monster_Size`="Small" OR `rly2_cargo__5eMonster`.`Monster_Size`="Medium"))))) ORDER BY `rly2_cargo__Pages_Info`.`_pageID`,`rly2_cargo__5eMonster`.`_pageID`,COUNT(`rly2_cargo__5eMonster`.`_pageName`) LIMIT 100

Error: No field named "Hidden" found for the database table "Pages_Info".
Beast Size Type Tags Alignment HP Movement CR Marked Source

Sources and Notes

  1. Jeremy Crawford, et. al.. Tasha's Cauldron of Everything (5e 2014) (2020-11-17). Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 9780786967025. p. 61.

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