One:Circle of the Land

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One D&D Pointer  +
UA 2023 Player's Handbook Playtest 6
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Design Note: Circle of the Land Updates

[1] Here are the main updates in this subclass since the Player's Handbook (5e):

  • Circle Spells now lets you pick a different land type each day. It has also absorbed the old Bonus Cantrip feature. The spell lists are shorter than their 2014 equivalents since the Druid can now change lists each day.
  • Land's Aid is a new 3rd-level feature, which lets the Druid expend uses of Wild Shape to heal and harm in an area. • Natural Recovery is now at 6th level, replacing Land’s Stride, and enhances Circle Spells.
  • Nature's Ward has been redesigned to be more useful and to interact with Circle Spells.
  • Nature's Sanctuary has been redesigned to give the Druid another way to use Wild Shape and to provide protection to the Druid and allies.

Circle of the Land[1] subclass (pointer)
Circle of the Land is a subclass of the Druid class.

Unofficial Description: This druid subclass focuses on harmony with the land.

Circle of the Land Features

Druid Level Features  
3rd Circle Spells, Land's Aid 
6th Natural Recovery 
10th Nature's Ward 
14th Nature's Sanctuary


Subclass Features

Circle Spells

3rd Feature
Summary: At the end of a Long Rest you choose one type of land — Arid, Polar, Temperate, or Tropical. This choice grants you bonus prepared spells

Land's Aid

3rd, 10th, 14th Feature
Summary: Use a Magic action and Wild Shape to create a sphere that can cause Necrotic damage to foes (Constitution save to half damage) and heals an ally. This damage and healing increases at 10th and 14th Druid levels. 

Nature's Recovery

10th Feature
Summary: You may cast one Circle Spell without expending a spell slot once per Long Rest. Also, once per Long Rest, you can recover one or more spell slots based on your Druid level. 

Nature's Ward

10th Feature
Summary: Grants immunity to Poisoned condition and damage resistance to Fire, Cold, Lightning, or Poison based on the land you chose with Circle Spells

Nature's Sanctuary

14th Feature
Summary: Use Magic action and Wild Shape to create a cube of spectral trees for 1 minute that provide Half Cover and damage resistance (matching Nature's Ward). The cube can be moved as a Bonus Action.

Sources and Notes

  1. Jeremy Crawford, et. al.. UA 2023 Player's Handbook Playtest 6 (Dungeons and Dragons One D&D) (2023-06-29). Wizards of the Coast. Licensed: © Wizards of the Coast (used under 'fair use' clause). 1.0 1.1

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