One:College of Glamour

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UA 2023 Player's Handbook Playtest 6
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College of Glamour[1] subclass (pointer)
College of Glamour is a bard college of the Bard class.

The College of Glamour traces its origins to the beguiling magic of the Feywild. The Bards who study this magic weave threads of beauty and terror into their songs and stories, and the mightiest among them can cloak themselves in otherworldly majesty. Their performances stir up wistful longing for forgotten innocence, evoke unconscious memories of long-held fears, and tug at the emotions of even the most hardhearted listeners.

Design Note: College of Glamour Updates

[1] Here are the main updates in this subclass since its appearance in Xanathar's Guide to Everything:

  • Mantle of Inspiration now grants a number of Temporary Hit Points determined by a roll of Bardic Inspiration.
  • Beguiling Magic, formerly Enthralling Performance, has been redesigned to focus on enhancing your Enchantment and Illusion spells.
  • Mantle of Majesty now ensures you always have the Command spell prepared, and you can restore your use of the feature by expending a spell slot of 3rd level or higher.
  • Unbreakable Majesty now triggers on a creature hitting you and can negate the hit.

College of Lore Features

Bard Level Features  
3rd Beguiling Magic, Mantle of Inspiration 
6th Mantle of Majesty 
14th Unbreakable Majesty


Subclass Features

Beguiling Magic

3rd Feature
Summary: Always have the Charm Person and Mirror Image spells prepared. And once per Long Rest, you can charm or frighten a creature after you cast an Enchantment or Illusion spell (save to avoid). 

Mantle of Inspiration

3rd Feature
Summary: Use Bonus Action and Bardic Inspiration to grant Temporary Hit Points [2], and may use a Reaction to move without provoking Opportunity Attacks

Mantle of Majesty

6th Feature
Summary: Always have the Command spell prepared. And once per Long Rest, you can use a Bonus action to cast Command and enter a concentration state in which you take on an unearthly appearance and may use a bonus action to cast an unfailing Command spell without expending spell slots for a period of time. You may also spend a 3rd+ level spell slot to reenter this state. 

Unbreakable Majesty

14th Feature
Summary: Use a bonus action to assume a majestic presence. For 1 minute creatures that hit you with an attack roll the attacker must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or miss the attack (once per turn).

Sources and Notes

  1. Jeremy Crawford, et. al.. UA 2023 Player's Handbook Playtest 6 (Dungeons and Dragons One D&D) (2023-06-29). Wizards of the Coast. Licensed: © Wizards of the Coast. 1.0 1.1
  2. Rule Tip: Temporary Hit Points Don't Stack. If you have temporary hit points and receive more of them, you don’t add them together, unless a rule says you can. Instead, you decide which temporary hit points to keep. For more information on temporary hit points, see chapter 9 of the Player's Handbook (5e). - Guildmasters' Guide to Ravnica p.27, UA 2020 Subclasses Part 1, UA 2020 Subclasses Part 3, Player's Handbook (5e) p.198 (different wording).

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