One:Warrior of the Hand/ua23phpt6

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UA 2023 Player's Handbook Playtest 6
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Design Note: Warrior of the Hand

[1] Here are the main updates in this subclass (formerly Way of the Open Hand) since the Player's Handbook (5e). Here are the main updates to it:

  • Open Hand Technique now requires a saving throw for all three effects, not just two of them.
  • Wholeness of Body now requires a Bonus Action rather than an action, it can be used more than once per Long Rest, and its healing is tied to your Martial Arts die and Wisdom.
  • Fleet Step is a new 11th-level feature that replaces Tranquility, one of the lowest-rated Monk features.
  • Quivering Palm is no longer able to deal an uncapped amount of damage (reducing a creature with any number of Hit Points to 0), which was too powerful for the number of Discipline Points.

Warrior of the Hand[1] subclass
Warrior of the Hand is a subclass of the Monk class.

Unofficial Description: This monk subclass shows mastery of unarmed combat.

Warrior of the Hand Features

Monk Level Features  
3rd Open Hand Technique 
6th Wholeness of Body 
11th Fleet Step 
17th Quivering Palm


Subclass Features

Open Hand Technique

3rd Feature
Summary: Your Flurry of Blows gains the following effects:

Wholeness of Body

6th Feature
(1 Discipline Point). Summary: A limited number of times per Long Rest, use Bonus Action and 1 Discipline Point to regain Hit Points

Fleet Step

11th Feature
Summary: Step of the Wind no longer requires Discipline Points. 

Quivering Palm

17th Feature
(3 Discipline Points). Summary: Expend 3 Discipline Points when you hit a creature with your Unarmed Strike to inflect deadly vibrations on the target. In the next couple of weeks you can use an Action to cause massive Force damage to the creature (Constitution save for half [2] damage). Only one creature can be affected at a time.

Sources and Notes

  1. Jeremy Crawford, et. al.. UA 2023 Player's Handbook Playtest 6 (Dungeons and Dragons One D&D) (2023-06-29). Wizards of the Coast. Licensed: © Wizards of the Coast (used under 'fair use' clause). 1.0 1.1
  2. Rule Tip: Round Down. Whenever you end up with a fraction in the game, round down, even if the fraction is one-half or greater, unless a rule explicitly tells you to round up. - Player's Handbook (5e) p.7, UA 2020 Subclasses Part 3.

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