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|fields=CONCAT( '[[', 5e_Height_Weight._pageName, '|', 5e_Height_Weight.Species, ']]' )=Species,5e_Height_Weight.Base_Height,5e_Height_Weight.Base_Weight,5e_Height_Weight.Height_Mod,5e_Height_Weight.Weight_Mod,Avg_HW=Average
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Revision as of 20:58, 28 June 2020

D&D 5e (2014) Varied ʰ 
See sections for licenses

Species Base Height Base Weight Height Mod Weight Mod Average
Aarakocra 4&#039;4&quot; 90 1d6 1d6 4&#039;8&quot; 106 lbs
Bugbear 6&#039;0&quot; 110 2d10 2d4 7&#039;1&quot; 291 lbs
Bugbear 6&#039;0&quot; 110 2d10 2d4 7&#039;1&quot; 291 lbs
Centaur 6&#039; 600 1d10 2d12 6&#039;6&quot; 678 lbs
Centaur 6&#039; 600 1d10 2d12 6&#039;6&quot; 678 lbs
Centaur, Foloi 7&#039; 9&quot; (93&quot;) 1465 3d6 1d8 8&#039; 11&quot; 1525 lbs.
Dragonborn 5&#039; 6&quot; 175 2d8 2d6 6&#039; 3&quot; 238 lbs.
Dragonborn 5&#039; 6&quot; 175 2d8 2d6 6&#039; 3&quot; 238 lbs.
Dragonborn 5&#039; 6&quot; 175 2d8 2d6 6&#039; 3&quot; 238 lbs.
Duskken 5&#039; 0&quot; 90 1d8 2d6 5&#039; 5&quot; 125 lbs.
Dwarf, Hill 3&#039; 8&quot; 115 2d4 2d6 4&#039; 1&quot; 150 lbs
Dwarf, Mountain 4&#039; 0&quot; 130 2d4 2d6 4&#039; 5&quot; 165 lbs
Dwarf, Sand 4&#039;2&quot; 100 2d6 2d4 4&#039;9&quot; 135 lbs.
Elf 54 90 2d10 1d4 5&#039;4&quot; 119 lbs.
Elf, Drow 4&#039;5&quot; 75 2d6 1d6 5&#039;0&quot; 103 lbs.
Elf, High 4&#039; 6&quot; 90 2d10 1d4 5&#039; 5&quot; 123 lbs.
Elf, High 4&#039; 6&quot; 90 2d10 1d4 5&#039; 5&quot; 123 lbs.
Elf, High 4&#039; 6&quot; 90 2d10 1d4 5&#039; 5&quot; 123 lbs.
Elf, Sea 4&#039; 6&quot; 90 2d8 1d4 5&#039; 3&quot; 117 lbs.
Elf, Sea 4&#039;6&quot; 90 2d8 1d4 5&#039;3&quot; 117 lbs.
Elf, Sea 4&#039;6&quot; 90 2d8 1d4 5&#039;3&quot; 117 lbs.
Elf, Sea 4&#039;6&quot; 90 2d8 1d4 5&#039;3&quot; 117 lbs.
Elf, Sea (Exandiran) 4&#039;6&quot; 90 2d10 1d4 5&#039;5&quot; 123 lbs.
Elf, Sea (Exandiran) 4&#039;6&quot; 90 2d10 1d4 5&#039;5&quot; 123 lbs.
Elf, Sea (Exandiran) 4&#039;6&quot; 90 2d10 1d4 5&#039;5&quot; 123 lbs.
Elf, Shadar-kai 4&#039;8&quot; 90 2d8 1d4 5&#039;5&quot; 117 lbs.
Elf, Shadar-kai 4&#039;8&quot; 90 2d8 1d4 5&#039;5&quot; 133 lbs.
Elf, Shadar-kai 4&#039;8&quot; 90 2d8 1d4 5&#039;5&quot; 133 lbs.
Elf, Shadar-kai 4&#039;8&quot; 90 2d8 1d4 5&#039;5&quot; 133 lbs.
Elf, Shadar-kai 4&#039;8&quot; 90 2d8 1d4 5&#039;5&quot; 133 lbs.
Elf, T'killi 4&#039;6&quot; 100 2d8 1d6 5&#039;3&quot; 136 lbs.
Elf, Wood 4&#039;6&quot; 100 2d10 1d4 5&#039;5&quot; 133 lbs.
Firbolg 6&#039; 2&quot; 175 2d12 2d6 7&#039; 3&quot; 266 lbs.
Firbolg 6&#039; 2&quot; 175 2d12 2d6 7&#039; 3&quot; 266 lbs.
Giff 6&#039; 6&quot; 400 2d8 2d8 7&#039; 3&quot;, 517 lbs.
Giff 6&#039; 6&quot; 400 2d8 2d8 7&#039; 3&quot;, 517 lbs.
Giff 6&#039; 6&quot; 400 2d8 2d8 7&#039; 3&quot;, 517 lbs.
Giff 6&#039; 6&quot; 400 2d8 2d8 7&#039; 3&quot;, 517 lbs.
Githyanki 5&#039;0&quot; 100 2d12 2d4 6&#039;1&quot; 165 lbs.
Githzerai 4&#039;11&quot; 90 2d12 1d4 6&#039;0&quot; 129 lbs.
Gnoll 6&#039;11&quot; 276 1d6 2d4 7&#039;3&quot;, 296 lbs.
Gnome 2&#039; 11&quot; 35 2d4 1 3&#039; 4&quot; 40 lbs.
Goliath 6&#039; 2&quot; 200 2d10 2d6 7&#039; 1&quot; 277 lbs.
Goliath 7&#039; 0&quot; 260 1d12 2d6 7&#039; 7&quot; 309 lbs.
Grung 24 23 1d12 1 2&#039;7&quot; 30 lbs.
Half-Elf 4&#039; 9&quot; 110 2d8 2d4 5&#039; 6&quot; 155 lbs.
Half-Orc 4&#039; 10&quot; 140 2d10 2d6 5&#039; 9&quot; 217 lbs.
Halfling 2&#039;7&quot; 35 2d4 1 3&#039;0&quot; 40 lbs.
Halfling, Longshanks 4&#039; 2&quot; (50&quot;) 80 2d8 1d6 4&#039; 11&quot; 116 lbs.
Human 4&#039;8&quot; 110 2d10 2d4 5&#039;7&quot; 165 lbs
Human 4&#039;8&quot; 110 2d10 2d4 5&#039;7&quot; 165 lbs
Kalashtar 5&#039;4&quot; 110 2d6 1d6 5&#039;9&quot; 128 lbs.
Kenku 4&#039; 4&quot; 50 2d8 1d6 5&#039; 1&quot; 86 lbs.
Kenku 4&#039; 4&quot; 50 2d8 1d6 5&#039; 1&quot; 86 lbs.
Kuo-toa 4&#039; 7&quot; 110 3d6 2d4 5&#039; 6&quot; 165lbs
Leonin 6&#039; 6&quot; 180 2d10 2d6 8&#039;5&quot; 257 lbs
Lizardfolk 4&#039; 9&quot; 120 2d10 2d6 5&#039; 8&quot; 197 lbs.
Loxodon 6&#039; 5&quot; 295 2d10 2d4 5&#039; 8&quot; 197 lbs.
Lythari 4&#039;6&quot; 100 2d10 1d4 5&#039;5&quot; 133 lbs.
Minotaur 5&#039; 4&quot; 175 2d8 2d6 6&#039; 1&quot; 238 lbs.
Minotaur 5&#039; 4&quot; 175 2d8 2d6 6&#039; 1&quot; 238 lbs.
Orc 5&#039; 4&quot; 175 2d8 2d6 6&#039; 1&quot; 238 lbs.
Orc 5&#039; 4&quot; 175 2d8 2d6 6&#039; 1&quot; 238 lbs.
Orc 5&#039; 4&quot; 175 2d8 2d6 6&#039; 1&quot; 238 lbs.
Orc 5&#039; 4&quot; 175 2d8 2d6 6&#039; 1&quot; 238 lbs.
Satyr 4&#039; 8&quot; 100 2d8 2d4 5&#039;5&quot; 145 lbs
Satyr 4&#039; 8&quot; 100 2d8 2d4 5&#039;5&quot; 145 lbs
Satyr 4&#039; 8&quot; 100 2d8 2d4 5&#039;5&quot; 145 lbs
Satyr 4&#039; 8&quot; 100 2d8 2d4 5&#039;5&quot; 145 lbs
Shifter 4&#039;6&quot; 90 2d8 2d4 6&#039;1&quot; 135lbs
T'killi 4&#039;6&quot; 100 2d8 1d6 5&#039;3&quot; 136 lbs.
T'killi 4&#039;6&quot; 100 2d8 1d6 5&#039;3&quot; 136 lbs.
T'killi 4&#039;6&quot; 100 2d8 1d6 5&#039;3&quot; 136 lbs.
Tabaxi 4&#039; 8&quot; 90 2d10 2d4 5&#039; 0&quot; 120 lbs.
Tabaxi 4&#039; 10&quot; 90 2d10 2d4 5&#039; 9&quot; 145 lbs.
Tabaxi 4&#039; 10&quot; 90 2d10 2d4 5&#039; 9&quot; 145 lbs.
Tabaxi 4&#039; 10&quot; 90 2d10 2d4 5&#039; 9&quot; 145 lbs.
Tabaxi 4&#039; 10&quot; 90 2d10 2d4 5&#039; 9&quot; 145 lbs.
Tabaxi 4&#039; 10&quot; 90 2d10 2d4 5&#039; 9&quot; 145 lbs.
Tabaxi 4&#039; 8&quot; 90 2d10 2d4 5&#039; 0&quot; 120 lbs.
Tiefling 4&#039; 9&quot; 110 2d8 2d4 5&#039; 6&quot; 155 lbs.
Tiefling 4&#039; 9&quot; 110 2d8 2d4 5&#039; 6&quot; 155 lbs.
Tortle 4&#039; 11&quot; 415 1d12 2d4 5&#039; 6&quot; 350
Triton 4&#039; 8&quot; 90 2d10 2d4 5&#039; 0&quot; 120 lbs.
Vedalken 5&#039; 4&quot; 110 2d10 2d4d 5&#039; 10&quot; 140
Warforged 5&#039;10&quot; 270 2d6 4 6&#039;5&quot; 298 lbs
Yuan-ti 4&#039; 8&quot; 110 2d10 2d4 5&#039; 7&quot; 165 lbs.
Yuan-ti 4&#039; 8&quot; 110 2d10 2d4 5&#039; 7&quot; 165 lbs.
Yuan-ti 4&#039; 8&quot; 110 2d10 2d4 5&#039; 7&quot; 165 lbs.
Yuan-ti 4&#039; 8&quot; 110 2d10 2d4 5&#039; 7&quot; 165 lbs.

Sources and Notes

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This is article is covered by varying licenses, rather than the Creative Commons Attribution Sharealike License. Please see the Sources section for individual sources and licenses.