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D&D 5e (2024) Varied ʰ  
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 5e (2014) lore 
Aberrations are utterly alien beings. Many of them have innate magical abilities drawn from the creature’s alien mind rather than the mystical forces of the world. The quintessential aberrations are Aboleths, Beholders, Mind Flayers, and Slaadi.

List of Aberrations

10 Aberrations
Creature Size Type Tags Alignment HP CR Habitat Marked Source
Aberrant Spirit Medium Aberration Neutral Calculated Urban Canon, Pointer Player's Handbook (5e24)
Aboleth Large Aberration Aboleth Lawful Evil 150 10 Underdark, Underwater Canon, Pointer Monster Manual (5e24)
Grell Medium Aberration Neutral Evil 55 3 Underdark Canon, Pointer Monster Manual (5e24)
Grick Overview Overview Aberration, Grick Forest, Underdark Canon, Pointer Monster Manual (5e24)
Grick Medium Aberration Grick Unaligned 54 2 Forest, Underdark Canon, Pointer Monster Manual (5e24)
Grick Medium Aberration Grick Unaligned 54 2 Forest, Underdark Canon, Pointer Monster Manual (5e24)
Grick Medium Aberration Grick Unaligned 54 2 Forest, Underdark Canon, Pointer Monster Manual (5e24)
Grick Medium Aberration Grick Unaligned 54 2 Forest, Underdark Canon, Pointer Monster Manual (5e24)
Grick Ancient Large Aberration Grick Unaligned 135 7 Forest, Underdark Canon, Pointer Monster Manual (5e24)
Grick Wyrmling Tiny Aberration Grick Unaligned 3 1/8 Forest, Underdark Noncanon, User Creation Rlyehable
Grick Wyrmling Swarm Medium Swarm Aberration, Grick Unaligned 44 2 Forest, Underdark Noncanon, User Creation Rlyehable
Slaad Tadpole Tiny Aberration Slaad, Slaad Tadpole Chaotic Neutral 7 1/8 Planar Canon, Pointer Varied, 2024FR, PHB5e24, MM5e24

Sources and Notes

  1. Wizards RPG Team. SRD-OGL v5.1 (5e 2014) (2015.05.06). Wizards of the Coast.

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  Varied Licenses

This is article is covered by varying licenses, rather than the Creative Commons Attribution Sharealike License. Please see the Sources section for individual sources and licenses.

Varied Contrigubtions +

855 articles
2e 5e, 5e 5e, 5e24, Aarakocra 5e, Aasimar 5e, Abbathor, Aberration, Ability, Ability Check, Ability Score Improvement, Abiltiy, Abishai, Abyss 5e, Academy of Devastation, Acid Arrow One, Acolyte, Adamantine 5e, Adult Bronze Dragon 5e, Adventure 5e, Aerdrie Faenya, Agonizing Blast, Air Elemental 5e, Air Elemental Myrmidon, Alarm One, Alchemy Jug, Alert, Alhoon 5e, Alkilith, Allip, Allosaurus, Alter Self One, Amethyst Dragon 5e, Amnizu, Amphisbaena, Angel, Angharradh, Angry Sorrowsworn, Animal Friendship One, Animate Objects One, Ankylosaurus, Annis Hag, Antilife Shell One, Ape, Ape 5e, Apprentice Wizard NPC, Arcane Trickster/Spell List 5e, Archelon, Archer NPC, Archery, Archon 5e, Archon Mount 5e, Arctic, Armanite, Armor 5e, Armor of Shadows, Artificer, Artificer/Spell, Artificer/Spell List 5e, Arvoreen, Ascendant Step, Astral Dreadnought, Astral Plane 5e, Atomie, Aubreck Drallion 5e, Aura of Vitality, Aurochs, Aurumvorax Baby 5e, Autumn Eladrin, Babau, Baboon, Background, Badger, Bael, Baervan Wildwanderer, Bahamut, Bahgtru, Balhannoth, Banderhobb, Banishment, Baphomet 5e, Baravar Cloakshadow, Barbarian, Bard, Bard NPC 5e, Bard NPC VGtM, Bard/Spell List 5e, Barghest, Barret Gloffrin 5e, Bat, Bear, Bear 5e, Beast, Beast List 5e, Beast of the Land, Beast of the Land/Display, Beast of the Sea, Beast of the Sea/Display, Beast of the Sky, Beast of the Sky/Display, Beatrice 5e, Beholder 5e, Bellis Belweather 5e, Berbalang, Berronar Truesilver, Bheur Hag, Birsk Chumwell 5e, Biscuit 5e, Bitzi 5e, Black Abishai, Black Bear, Black Dragon 5e, Black Guard Drake, Blackguard NPC, Blight Spell One, Blind Fighting, Blindness/Deafness One, Blink One, Bloodybeak 5e, Blue Abishai, Blue Dragon 5e, Blue Guard Drake, Blur One, Boar, Bobi 5e, Bodak, Bodger 5e, Boggart, Boggle, Boneclaw, Boon of Combat Prowess, Boon of Dimensional Travel, Boon of Energy Resistance, Boon of Fate, Boon of Irresistible Offense, Boon of the Night Spirit, Boon of Truesight, Bramble, Brandobaris, Brass Dragon 5e, Brontosaurus, Brown Bear, Brownie, Buckawn, Bugbear 5e, Bullywug 5e, Bullywug Royal, Bunnyoid, Burly 5e, Call Lightning One, Callarduran Smoothhands, Callybon 5e, Camel, Campaign Setting 5e, Canoloth, Cap of Water Breathing, Carisso 5e, Cat, Cave Bear 5e, Cave Cricket, Cave Fisher, Cave Moray, Celestial, Celestial 5e, Centaur Race, Cerberus 5e, Champion, Champion NPC, Changeling, Charm Monster, Chimera 5e, Chitine, Choker, Choldrith, Chucklehead, Circle of the Moon/Beast Shape 5e, Clangeddin Silverbeard, Class, Class 5e, Cleric/Spell List 5e, Clurichaun, College of Lore, Constrictor Snake, Construct, Copper Dragon 5e, Corellon Larethian, Corpse Flower, Crab, Cradlefall 5e, Cranium Rat, Creature 5e, Criminal, Crocodile, Crown of Stars, Crusader's Mantle, Crystal Dragon, Cult 5e, Cult of the Dragon, Cults of Elemental Evil, Cults of the Dragon Below, Cyrrollalee, Dance Macabre, Dandy 5e, Darkling, Darkling Elder, Davus Raal 5e, Dawn, Death Kiss, Death Ward One, Deathlock, Deathlock Wight, Deep Duerra, Deep Gnome Subrace, Deep Lacedon 5e, Deep Rothé, Deep Sashelas 5e, Deep Scion, Deer, Defense, Deinonychus, Deity 5e, Demogorgon, Demon 5e, Dendar 5e, Derro 5e, Derro MToF, Detect Magic One, Devil, Devil's Sight, Devourer, Devouring Blade, Diety 5e, Dimetrodon, Dinosaur, Dinosaur 5e, Dire Wolf, Dobie, Dog 5e, Dolphin, Dolphin Common, Door 5e, Draconic Sorcery, Draconic Transformation, Draegloth, Draft Horse, Dragon, Dragon Pantheon, Dragon's Breath, Dragonborn 5e, Dragonlance 5e, Dragonnel, Drake 5e, Drider, Drizlash Ghast, Drow, Drow 5e, Drow Arachnomancer, Drow Favored Consort, Drow House Captain, Drow Inquisitor, Drow Matron Mother, Drow Shadowblade, Druid, Druid Grove, Druid/Beast Shape 5e, Druid/Spell List 5e, Dryad 5e, Dueling, Duergar 5e, Duergar Despot, Duergar Hammerer, Duergar Kavalrachni, Duergar Mind Master, Duergar Pantheon, Duergar Soulblade MToF, Duergar Warlord, Duergar Xarrorn, Dugmaren Brightmantle, Dumathoin, Dungus 5e, Dust Devil Spell, Dwarf, Dwarf 5e, Dwarf Common 5e, Dwarf Lineage 5e, Dwarven Pantheon, Dybbuk, Eagle, Earth Elemental 5e, Earth Elemental Myrmidon, Earth Tremor, Earthbind, Eberron, Eberron Pantheon, Eidolon, Eidolon Common, Eladrin 5e, Elanys 5e, Elder Brain, Elder Tempest, Eldritch Invocation List 5e, Eldritch Mind, Eldritch Smite, Eldritch Spear, Eleanor Lovage 5e, Eleanor Loveage 5e, Elemental, Elemental 5e, Elephant, Elf, Elf 5e, Elidon 5e, Elk, Elmo the Emaciated 5e, Elven Pantheon, Emerald Dragon, Equipment Pack 5e, Evoker, Fairy, Far Realm 5e, Feat, Feldrin Kane 5e, Female Steeder, Fenmarel Mestarine 5e, Fey, Fey 5e, Fey Kelpie, Feystag, Feywild 5e, Fiend, Fiend 5e, Fiend Patron, Fiendish Vigor, Fighter, Fighter 5e, Fighting Style 5e, Fire Elemental 5e, Fire Elemental Myrmidon, Fire Giant Dreadnought, Firenewt, Flail Snail, Flandal Steelskin, Flind, Flying Snake, Forcecage One, Forest Gnome, Forgotten Realms 5e, Fossergrim, Fraz-Urb'luu, Frog, Froghemoth Adult, Frost Giant Everlasting One, Frost Salamander, Frostwind Virago, Fungus 5e, Gaerdal Ironhand, Garl Glittergold, Gaze of Two Minds, Gem Dragon 5e, Genasi 5e, Genie 5e, Geryon, Giant, Giant 5e, Giant Badger, Giant Centipede, Giant Crab, Giant Fire Beetle, Giant Goat, Giant Seahorse, Giant Spider, Giant Weasel, Gibberling, Giff, Giff Common, Gift of the Depths, Gift of the Protectors, Girallon, Gith 5e, Githyanki 5e, Githyanki Gish, Githyanki Kith'rak, Githyanki Supreme Commander, Githzerai 5e, Glossary Conventions, Gnoll 5e, Gnome, Gnomish Pantheon, Goat, Goblin, Goblinoid 5e, Gold Dragon 5e, Goliath, Gorgon 5e, Gorm Gulthyn, Granam 5e, Gray Ooze 5e, Great Cat, Great Cat 5e, Great Weapon Fighting, Greater Restoration One, Green Abishai, Green Dragon 5e, Green Guard Drake, Greyhawk 5e, Greyhawk Pantheon 5e, Grig, Grotten Longflint 5e, Gruumsh, Guard Drake, Guard Drake Common, Habitat 5e, Habitat/Arctic, Habitat/Arctic 5e, Habitat/Astral Sea 5e, Habitat/Coastal 5e, Habitat/Desert, Habitat/Desert 5e, Habitat/Feywild 5e, Habitat/Forest 5e, Habitat/Grassland 5e, Habitat/Hill 5e, Habitat/Khyber 5e, Habitat/Mountain 5e, Habitat/Shadowfell 5e, Habitat/Swamp 5e, Habitat/Underdark 5e, Habitat/Underground 5e, Habitat/Underwater 5e, Habitat/Underworld 5e, Habitat/Urban 5e, Habitat/Wildes 5e, Habitat/Wildspace 5e, Hadrosaurus, Haela Brightaxe, Hag 5e, Halfling, Halfling 5e, Halfling Pantheon, Handaxe 5e, Hanseath, Harengon, Harpy 5e, Hawk, Hazard 5e, Height and Weight 5e, Helgelar Sunlost 5e, High Elf, High Elf, High Elf Common 5e, Hill Dwarf Common 5e, Hill Giant, Hippopotamus, Hobgoblin 5e, Homunculus 5e, Hoplite 5e, Horse, Human, Human 5e, Humanoid, Humanoid Skeleton, Humanoid Zombie, Hunter, Hunter Shark, Hurly 5e, Hutjin, Hydra 5e, Hyena, Ice Troll, Illithilich 5e, Ilneval, Imp, Individual 5e, Interception, Investment of the Chain Master, Jackal, Janore Stormswake 5e, Jute 5e, Kak 5e, Killer Whale, Knife-Catcher Skeen 5e, Kobold 5e, Korred, Kraken 5e, Krell Grohlg 5e, Kurtulmak, Laduguer, Language 5x, Laogzed, Leshy, Lessons of the First Ones, Lich 5e, Life Domain, Lifedrinker, Lion, Lizard, Lizardfolk 5e, Locathah, Location 5e, Lolth, Loquid 5e, Luthic, Lycanthrope 5e, Mages of High Sorcery 5e, Magic Initiate, Magic Item 5e, Magic Item List 5e, Magic Potion 5e, Maglubiyet, Main 5e, Major Ursa 5e, Male Steeder 5e, Mammoth, Maneuver, Marius Golpon 5e, Marthammor Duin, Mask of Many Faces, Master of Myriad Forms, Mastiff, Medusa 5e, Mephit 5e, Merfolk 5e, Merrick 5e, Merrshaulk 5e, Metallic Sentinel, Mind Flayer 5e, Minotaur, Mintleaf 5e, Mirria Delvane 5e, Misty Visions, Moloch, Monk, Monkey 5e, Monster List 5e, Monstrosity, Moradin, Mordinsamman, Morley Tobe 5e, Mountain Dwarf Common 5e, Muamman Duathal, Mule, Mummy 5e, Mya, Myconid 5e, Myrmidon, Naga, Nebelun, Neo-Otyugh, Neogi, Nine Hells, Nixie, NPC, Nymph 5e, Oath of Devotion, Octopus, Odium 5e, Ogmund 5e, Ogre, One DnD 5e, One with Shadows, One:Arcane Spell One, One:Arms of Hadar, One:Aura of Vitality, One:Awaken One, One:Bane One, One:Banishment, One:Beacon of Hope One, One:Bestow Curse One, One:Charm Person One, One:Condition One, One:Create of Destroy Water One, One:Dissonant Whispers, One:Divine Spell One, One:Dominate Monster One, One:Eldritch Invocation List One, One:Feat, One:Fighting Style, One:Heal One, One:Hypnotic Pattern One, One:Jump Spell One, One:Primal Spell One, One:Ray of Enfeeblement One, One:Regenerate One, One:Rules Glossary, One:Scimitar One, One:Slow One, One:Spell List/Abjuration One, One:Spell List/Conjuration One, One:Spell List/Divination One, One:Spell List/Enchantment One, One:Spell List/Evocation One, One:Spell List/Illusion One, One:Spell List/Necormancy One, One:Spell List/Transmutation One, One:Spell One, One:Thunderwave One, One:Trident, One:Warlock/Spell One, One:Wind Wall One, Ooze, Ooze 5e, Orc, Orc 5e, Organization 5e, Otherworldly Leap, Othokent, Overlord 5e, Owl, Ox, Ozymandias 5e, Pachyderm, Pact of the Blade, Pact of the Chain, Pact of the Tome, Paladin, Paladin/Spell List 5e, Panther, Path of the Berserker, Path of the Totem Warrior, Pech, Phanaton, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Mimicry 5e, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Multi-Headed 5e, Piranha, Pirate 5e, Pirate Captain 5e, Plane 5e, Plant, Plesiosaurus, Polar Bear, Polearm 5e, Polis 5e, Pony, Primate, Protection, Pseudodragon, Pteranodon, Quasit, Quetzalcoatlus, Quickling, Quori 5e, Race 5e, Rakshasa 5e, Ranger, Ranger/Spell List 5e, Rashlen 5e, Rat, Raven, Raven Queen 5e, Ravenloft, Ravnica, Red Abishai, Red Dragon 5e, Red Guard Drake, Reef Shark, Refrum 5e, Remorhaz 5e, Repelling Blast, Revenant, Rhinoceros, Riding Horse, Roc 5e, Rock Gnome, Rogue, Roil 5e, Roknar, Rule Tip 5e, Rule Tip/AC Calculations Don't Stack 5e, Rule Tip/Bonus Actions 5e, Rule Tip/Divine Strike vs. Potent Spellcasting 5e, Rule Tip/Jumping Costs Movement 5e, Rule Tip/Resistance 5e, Rule Tip/Ribbon 5e, Rule Tip/Round Down 5e, Rule Tip/Temporary Hit Points Don't Stack 5e, Rule Tip/You're a Creature 5e, Rules Glossary, Russet Mold 5e, Saber-Toothed Tiger, Sacred Statue, Sage, Sahuagin 5e, Salamander 5e, Sanctuary One, Satyr, Sauriv 5e, Savage Attacker, Scorpion, Sea Elf 5e, Sea Hag 5e, Sea Serpent 5e, Seahorse, Secret Chest One, Segojan Earthcaller, Sehanine Moonbow, Sekolah, Sending One, Serpent Gods Pantheon, Sgothgah 5e, Shape Water, Shapechanger 5e, Sharindlar, Shark, Shark 5e, Sheela Peryroyl, Shifter, Skeldruff Plenk 5e, Skeleton, Skeleton 5e, Skilled, Slaad 5e, Slaad Tadpole, Slarkrethel 5e, Sliris 5e, Sloane 5e, Snake, Snake 5e, Snilloc's Snowball Swarm, Soldier, Sorcerer, Sorcerer/Metamagic, Sorcerer/Spell List 5e, Species, Specter 5e, Spell 5e, Spell List 5e, Spell List/Abjuration 5e, Spell List/Conjuration 5e, Spell List/Divination 5e, Spell List/Enchantment 5e, Spell List/Evocation 5e, Spell List/Evocation One, Spell List/Illusion 5e, Spell List/Necromancy 5e, Spell List/Transmutation 5e, Spellcasting Focus 5e, Spelljammer 5e, Sphinx 5e, Sphinx of Wonder, Spider, Spider 5e, Spoorx 5e, Spring Eladrin, Sprite, Sprite 5e, Sseth 5e, Ssurran Common 5e, Ssurran Shaman, Stegosaurus, Stench Kow, Stone Giant, Stone Golem 5e, Storm Giant, Strahd von Zarovich, Subclass 5e, Summer Eladrin, Surtur, Svirfneblin 5e, Swarm, Swarm of Bats, Swarm of Beetles 5e, Swarm of Centipedes 5e, Swarm of Cranium Rats, Swarm of Insects, Swarm of Rats, Swarm of Ravens, Swarm of Spiders 5e, Swarm of Venomous Snakes, Swarm of Wasps 5e, Swine, Tabaxi, Tak Merakin 5e, Telekinesis One, Telekinesis One, Teleport Spell One, Thard Harr, Tharmekhul, The Blood of Vol, The Path of Light, The Silver Flame, The Spirits of the Past, The Undying Court, Thief, Thirsting Blade, Thornwell 5e, Thri-kreen 5e, Thrown Weapon Fighting, Thunder Step, Thunderclap, Tiamat 5e, Tiefling 5e, Tiefling Common 5e, Tiger, Timpella 5e, Tortle 5e, Tree Blight, Triceratops, Trinket, Triton Race, Troglodyte 5e, Troll 5e, Two-Weapon Fighting, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Ulaa, Ulder Raserhill 5e, Unarmed Fighting, Undead, Urdlen, Urogalan, Valissia Arrowen 5e, Vampire 5e, Vampire Spellcaster 5e, Vampire Warrior 5e, Vampiric Mist 5e, Vecna, Vegepygmy 5e, Velociraptor, Venomous Snake, Vergadain, Virgil 5e, Visions of Distant Realms, Volo, Vortanim 5e, Vulture, Wall of Fire One, Wand 5e, Warhorse, Warlock, Warlock/Eldritch Invocation, Warlock/Spell List 5e, Warrior of the Open Hand, Water Elemental 5e, Water Elemental Myrmidon, Water Walk One, Weapon 5e, Weasel, Wereraven 5e, Whispers of the Grave, White Abishai, White Dragon 5e, White Guard Drake, White Pudding 5e, Will of the Feywild 5e, Winter Eladrin, Witch Sight, Wizard, Wizard/Spell List 5e, Wolf, Wolgar Windrune 5e, Wondrous Item 5e, Wood Elf, Wood Elf Common 5e, Yondalla, Zennor 5e, Zombie, Zombie 5e