SRD5:Swarm of Ravens

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Swarm of Ravens [SRD5 OGL/CC-BY][1] [2] [3]
Medium Swarm  of Tiny Beasts (Ravens), Unaligned
Armor Class: 12
Hit Points: 24 (7d8-7)
Speed: 10 ft., fly 50 ft.
Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
6 (-2) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) 3 (-4) 12 (+1) 6 (-2)
Skills: Perception +5
Damage Resistances: bludgeoning, piercing, slashing
Condition Immune: charmed, frightened, grappled, paralyzed, prone, restrained, stunned
Senses: darkvision 30 ft., passive perception 15
Habitat: Forest, Hill, Swamp, Urban
Challenge: 1/4 (50 xp)Proficiency Bonus (PB): +2


Swarm. The swarm can occupy another creature’s space and vice versa, and the swarm can move through any opening large enough for a Tiny raven. The swarm can’t regain hit points or gain temporary hit points. 


Beaks. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 0 ft., one creature in the swarm's space. Hit: 7 (2d6) piercing damage, or 3 (1d6) piercing damage if the swarm has half of its hit points or fewer.

End of the SRD5 material

Unofficial Description: A murder of ravens

Sources and Notes

  1. SRD5:
  2. Habitat — Not part of the SRD5.
  3. habitat - suggested by Raven Dungeon Master's Guide (5e) p.302-305

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Monster data +

Swarm of Ravens (Sort Text: Ravens Swarm 5e, Size: Medium, Type: Swarm, Subtypes: Beast Raven, Alignment: Unaligned, HP: 24, Movement Type: Walk Fly, CR: 1/4, Features: Swarm Beaks, Has Lair: No, NPC: No, Canon: Yes, Pointer: No, UA: No, User: No, Sources: SRD-OGL v5.1)

SRD-OGL v5.1 Contrigubtions +

1,397 articles
3x, 3x/Augury, 3x/Barkskin, 3x/Eldritch Knight, 3x/Plane, 3x/Shocking Grasp, 3x/SRD, 3x/True Strike, Aberration, Ability Score Improvement, Aboleth, Acid Arrow, Acid Splash, Acolyte, Acolyte NPC, Action, Adamantine Armor, Adult Black Dragon, Adult Blue Dragon, Adult Brass Dragon, Adult Copper Dragon, Adult Gold Dragon, Adult Green Dragon, Adult Red Dragon, Adult Silver Dragon, Adult White Dragon, Adventurer's Gear, Aegir, Agonizing Blast, Aid, Air Elemental, Alarm, Alignment, Alter Self, Amulet of Health, Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location, Amulet of the Planes, Ancient Black Dragon, Ancient Blue Dragon, Ancient Brass Dragon, Ancient Bronze Dragon, Ancient Copper Dragon, Ancient Green Dragon, Ancient Red Dragon, Ancient Silver Dragon, Ancient White Dragon, Androsphinx, Animal Friendship, Animal Messenger, Animal Shapes, Animate Dead, Animate Objects, Animated Armor, Animated Object, Animated Shield, Ankheg, Antilife Shell, Antimagic Field, Antipathy/Sympathy, Anubis, Ape, Apep, Aphrodite, Apollo, Apparatus of the Crab, Arawn, Arcane Eye, Arcane Hand, Arcane Lock, Arcane Sword, Arcanist's Magic Aura, Archmage NPC, Ares, Armor, Armor of Invulnerability, Armor of Resistance, Armor of Shadows, Armor of Vulnerability, Arrow of Slaying, Arrow-Catching Shield, Artemis, Ascendant Step, Assassin NPC, Astral Projection, Athena, Attack Type, Augury, Awaken, Awakended Shrub, Awakened Plant, Awakened Shrub, Awakened Tree, Axe Beak, Azer, Baboon, Background, Badger, Badger, Bag of Beans, Bag of Devouring, Bag of Holding, Bag of Tricks, Balder, Balor, Bandit Captain NPC, Bandit NPC, Bane, Banishment, Barbarian, Barbed Devil, Bard, Barkskin, Basilisk, Bast, Bat, Battleaxe, Beacon of Hope, Bead of Force, Bearded Devil, Beast, Beast Speech, Beguiling Influence, Behir, Belenus, Belt of Dwarvenkind, Belt of Giant Strength, Belt of Giant Strength/Cloud Giant, Belt of Giant Strength/Fire Giant, Belt of Giant Strength/Frost Giant, Belt of Giant Strength/Hill Giant, Belt of Giant Strength/Stone Giant, Belt of Giant Strength/Storm Giant, Berserker Axe, Berserker NPC, Bes, Bestow Curse, Between Adventures, Bewitching Whispers, Beyond 1st Level, Black Bear, Black Dragon Wyrmling, Black Pudding, Black Tentacles, Blade Barrier, Bless, Blight, Blight Spell, Blinded, Blinding Sickness, Blindness/Deafness, Blink, Blink Dog, Blink Dog, Blood Hawk, Blowgun, Blue Dragon Wyrmling, Blur, Boar, Bone Devil, Book of Ancient Secrets, Boots of Elvenkind, Boots of Levitation, Boots of Speed, Boots of Striding and Springing, Boots of the Winterlands, Bowl of Commanding Water Elementals, Bracers of Archery, Bracers of Defense, Branding Smite, Brass Dragon Wyrmling, Brazier of Commanding Fire Elementals, Brigantia, Bronze Dragon Wyrmling, Brooch of Shielding, Broom of Flying, Brown Bear, Bugbear, Bulette, Burning Hands, Cackle Fever, Call Lightning, Calm Emotions, Camel, Candle of Invocation, Cape of the Mountebank, Carpet of Flying, Cat, Celestial, Celtic Pantheon, Censer of Controlling Air Elementals, Centaur, Centaur, Chain Devil, Chain Lightning, Chain Shirt, Chains of Carceri, Champion, Charm Person, Charmed, Chill Touch, Chime of Opening, Chimera, Chuul, Circle of Death, Circle of the Land, Circlet of Blasting, Clairvoyance, Class, Clay Golem, Cleric, Cloak of Arachnida, Cloak of Displacement, Cloak of Elvenkind, Cloak of Protection, Cloak of the Bat, Cloak of the Manta Ray, Cloaker, Clone, Cloud Giant, Cloudkill, Club, Cockatrice, College of Lore, Color Spray, Combat, Command, Commoner NPC, Commune, Commune with Nature, Comprehend Languages, Compulsion, Condition, Cone of Cold, Confusion, Conjure Animals, Conjure Celestial, Conjure Elemental, Conjure Fey, Conjure Minor Elementals, Conjure Woodland Beings, Constrictor Snake, Construct, Contact Other Plane, Contagion, Contingency, Continual Flame, Control Water, Control Weather, Copper Dragon Wyrmling, Couatl, Cougar, Counterspell, Cover, Crab, Create Food and Water, Create or Destroy Water, Create Undead, Creation, Creature Trait, Creature Trait/Aggressive, Creature Trait/Air Form, Creature Trait/Ambusher, Creature Trait/Amorphous, Creature Trait/Amphibous, Creature Trait/Antimagic Susceptibility, Creature Trait/Assassinate, Creature Trait/Aversion to Fire, Creature Trait/Beast of Burden, Creature Trait/Berserk, Creature Trait/Blood Frenzy, Creature Trait/Brave, Creature Trait/Brute, Creature Trait/Camouflage, Creature Trait/Change Shape, Creature Trait/Charge, Creature Trait/Consume Life, Creature Trait/Cunning Action, Creature Trait/Damage Absorption, Creature Trait/Damage Transfer, Creature Trait/Dark Devotion, Creature Trait/Devil's Sight, Creature Trait/Earth Glide, Creature Trait/Echolocation, Creature Trait/Ethereal Jaunt, Creature Trait/Evasion, Creature Trait/False Appearance, Creature Trait/Fey Ancestry, Creature Trait/Flyby, Creature Trait/Forbiddance, Creature Trait/Frightful Presence, Creature Trait/Gnome Cunning, Creature Trait/Heated Body, Creature Trait/Heated Weapons, Creature Trait/Hold Breath, Creature Trait/Illumination, Creature Trait/Immutable Form, Creature Trait/Incorporeal Movement, Creature Trait/Inscrutable, Creature Trait/Invisibility, Creature Trait/Keen Sense, Creature Trait/Labryinthine Recall, Creature Trait/Legendary Resistance, Creature Trait/Light Sensitivity, Creature Trait/Limited Amphibiousness, Creature Trait/Limited Telepathy, Creature Trait/Magic Resistance, Creature Trait/Magic Weapons, Creature Trait/Martial Advantage, Creature Trait/Mimicry, Creature Trait/Misty Escape, Creature Trait/Multi-Headed, Creature Trait/Nimble Escape, Creature Trait/Pack Tactics, Creature Trait/Parry, Creature Trait/Petrifying Gaze, Creature Trait/Pounce, Creature Trait/Rampage, Creature Trait/Reactive, Creature Trait/Reckless, Creature Trait/Regeneration, Creature Trait/Rejuvenation, Creature Trait/Sense Magic, Creature Trait/Shadow Stealth, Creature Trait/Shapechanger, Creature Trait/Shielded Mind, Creature Trait/Siege Monster, Creature Trait/Sneak Attack, Creature Trait/Speak with Beasts and Plants, Creature Trait/Spider Climb, Creature Trait/Standing Leap, Creature Trait/Stench, Creature Trait/Sunlight Hypersensitivity, Creature Trait/Sunlight Sensitivity, Creature Trait/Sunlight Weakness, Creature Trait/Sure-Footed, Creature Trait/Surprise Attack, Creature Trait/Swarm, Creature Trait/Teleport, Creature Trait/Trampling Charge, Creature Trait/Transparent, Creature Trait/Tree Stride, Creature Trait/Tunneler, Creature Trait/Turn Immunity, Creature Trait/Two Heads, Creature Trait/Uncanny Dodge, Creature Trait/Undead Fortitude, Creature Trait/Wakeful, Creature Trait/Water Breathing, Creature Trait/Web Sense, Creature Trait/Web Walker, Crocodile, Crystal Ball, Crystal Ball of Mind Reading, Crystal Ball of Telepathy, Crystal Ball of True Seeing, Cube of Force, Cubic Gate, Cult Fanatic NPC, Cultist NPC, Cure Wounds, Curse, Dagger, Dagger of Venom, Daghdha, Damage and Healing, Dancing Lights, Dancing Sword, Darkmantle, Darkness Spell, Darkvision Spell, Dart, Daylight Spell, Deafened, Death Dog, Death Ward, Decanter of Endless Water, Deck of Illusions, Deck of Many Things, Deck of Many Things/Avatar of Death, Deep Gnome, Deer, Defender, Delayed Blast Fireball, Demeter, Demiplane Spell, Demon Armor, Detect Evil and Good, Detect Magic, Detect Poison and Disease, Detect Thoughts, Deva, Devil’s Sight, Diancecht, Dimension Door, Dimensional Shackles, Dionysus, Dire Wolf, Disease, Diseased Giant Rat, Disguise Self, Disintegrate, Dispel Evil and Good, Dispel Magic, Divination Spell, Divine Word, Djinni, Dominate Beast, Dominate Monster, Dominate Person, Doppelganger, Draconic Bloodline, Draft Horse, Dragon, Dragon Scale Mail, Dragon Slayer, Dragon Turtle, Dragon Turtle, Dragonborn, Dreadful Word, Dream, Dretch, Drider, Drow Elf, Druid, Druid, Druid NPC, Druidcraft, Dryad, Duergar, Dunatis, Dust Mephit, Dust of Disappearance, Dust of Dryness, Dust of Sneezing and Choking, Dwarf, Dwarf Race, Dwarven Plate, Dwarven Thrower, Eagle, Earth Elemental, Earthquake, Efficient Quiver, Efreeti, Efreeti Bottle, Egyptian Pantheon, Eldritch Blast, Eldritch Sight, Eldritch Spear, Elemental Gem, Elephant, Elf, Elk, Elven Chain, Enhance Ability, Enlarge/Reduce, Entangle, Enthrall, Environment, Equipment, Erinyes, Etherealness, Ettercap, Ettin, Eversmoking Bottle, Exhaustion, Expeditious Retreat, Expenses, Expertise, Eyebite, Eyes of Charming, Eyes of Minute Seeing, Eyes of the Eagle, Eyes of the Rune Keeper, Fabricate, Faerie Fire, Faithful Hound, False Life, Fantasy-Historical Pantheons, Fear, Feat, Feather Fall, Feather Token, Feather Token/Anchor, Feather Token/Bird, Feather Token/Fan, Feather Token/Swan Boat, Feather Token/Tree, Feather Token/Whip, Feeblemind, Fiendish Vigor, Figurine of Wondrous Power, Filth Fever, Find Familiar, Find Steed, Find the Path, Find Traps, Finger of Death, Fire Bolt, Fire Elemental, Fire Giant, Fire Shield, Fire Storm, Fireball, Flail, Flame Blade, Flame Strike, Flame Tongue, Flaming Sphere, Flesh Golem, Flesh Rot, Flesh to Stone, Floating Disk, Fly Spell, Flying Snake, Flying Sword, Fog Cloud, Folding Boat, Forbiddance, Forcecage, Foresight, Forseti, Freedom of Movement, Freezing Sphere, Frey, Freya, Frigga, Frightened, Frog, Frost Brand, Frost Giant, Gargoyle, Gaseous Form, Gate, Gauntlets of Ogre Power, Gaze of Two Minds, Geas, Gelatinous Cube, Gem of Brightness, Gem of Seeing, Gentle Repose, Ghast, Ghost, Ghoul, Giant Ape, Giant Badger, Giant Bat, Giant Boar, Giant Centipede, Giant Constrictor Snake, Giant Crab, Giant Crocodile, Giant Eagle, Giant Elk, Giant Elk, Giant Fire Beetle, Giant Fly, Giant Frog, Giant Goat, Giant Goat, Giant Hyena, Giant Insect, Giant Lizard, Giant Octopus, Giant Owl, Giant Poisonous Snake, Giant Rat, Giant Scorpion, Giant Sea Horse, Giant Shark, Giant Slayer, Giant Slayer, Giant Spider, Giant Toad, Giant Vulture, Giant Wasp, Giant Weasel, Giant Wolf Spider, Gibbering Mouther, Glabrezu, Gladiator NPC, Gladiator NPC, Glaive, Glamoured Studded Leather, Glibness, Globe of Invulnerability, Gloves of Missile Snaring, Gloves of Swimming and Climbing, Glyph of Warding, GM, Gnoll, Gnome, Goat, Goblin, Goggles of Night, Goibhniu, Gold Dragon Wyrmling, Goodberry, Grappled, Grappler, Grease, Greataxe, Greatclub, Greater Invisibility, Greater Restoration, Greatsword, Greek Pantheon, Green Dragon Wyrmling, Green Hag, Grick, Griffon, Grimlock, Guard NPC, Guardian Naga, Guardian of Faith, Guards and Wards, Guidance, Guiding Bolt, Gust of Wind, Gynosphinx, Hades, Halberd, Half-Dragon Template, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Half-Red Dragon Veteran, Halfling, Hallow, Hallucinatory Terrain, Hammer of Thunderbolts, Hand Crossbow, Handaxe, Handy Haversack, Harm, Harpy, Haste, Hat of Disguise, Hathor, Hawk, Hazard, Headband of Intellect, Heal, Healing Word, Heat Metal, Heavy Crossbow, Hecate, Heimdall, Hel, Hell Hound, Hellish Rebuke, Helm of Brilliance, Helm of Comprehending Languages, Helm of Telepathy, Helm of Teleportation, Hephaestus, Hera, Hercules, Hermes, Hermod, Heroes' Feast, Heroism, Hestia, Hezrou, Hideous Laughter, High Elf, Hill Dwarf, Hill Giant, Hippogriff, Hit Die, Hobgoblin, Hold Monster, Hold Person, Holy Aura, Holy Avenger, Homunculus, Horn of Blasting, Horn of Valhalla, Horned Devil, Horseshoes of a Zephyr, Horseshoes of Speed, Human, Humanoid, Hunter, Hunter Shark, Hunter's Mark, Hydra, Hyena, Hypnotic Pattern, Ice Devil, Ice Mephit, Ice Storm, Identify, Illusory Script, Imhotep, Immovable Rod, Imp, Imprisonment, Incapacitated, Incendiary Cloud, Inflict Wounds, Insect Plague, Inspiration, Instant Fortress, Instant Summons, Invisibility, Invisible, Invisible Stalker, Ioun Stone, Ioun Stone of Absorption, Ioun Stone/Absorption, Ioun Stone/Agility, Ioun Stone/Awareness, Ioun Stone/Fortitude, Ioun Stone/Greater Absorption, Ioun Stone/Insight, Ioun Stone/Intellect, Ioun Stone/Leadership, Ioun Stone/Mastery, Ioun Stone/Protection, Ioun Stone/Regeneration, Ioun Stone/Reserve, Ioun Stone/Strength, Ioun Stone/Sustenance, Iron Bands of Binding, Iron Flask, Iron Golem, Irresistible Dance, Isis, Jackal, Javelin, Javelin of Lightning, Jump Spell, Killer Whale, Knight NPC, Knock, Kobold, Kraken, Kraken, Lamia, Lance, Language, Lantern of Revealing, Leapord, Leather Armor, Legend Lore, Lemure, Lesser Restoration, Levitate, Life Domain, Lifedrinker, Light Crossbow, Light Hammer, Light Spell, Lightfoot, Lightning Bolt, Lion, Lizard, Lizardfolk, Locate Animals or Plants, Locate Creature, Locate Object, Loki, Longbow, Longstrider, Longsword, Luck Blade, Lugh, Mace, Mace of Disruption, Mace of Smiting, Mace of Terror, Madness, Mage Armor, Mage Hand, Mage NPC, Magic Ammunition, Magic Ammunition/+1, Magic Ammunition/+2, Magic Ammunition/+3, Magic Armor, Magic Armor/+1, Magic Armor/+2, Magic Armor/+3, Magic Circle, Magic Item, Magic Item, Magic Jar, Magic Missile, Magic Mouth, Magic Potion, Magic Ring, Magic Shield, Magic Shield/+1, Magic Shield/+2, Magic Shield/+3, Magic Weapon, Magic Weapon Spell, Magic Weapon/+1, Magic Weapon/+1, Magic Weapon/+2, Magic Weapon/+3, Magic Weapon/+3, Magma Mephit, Magmin, Magnificent Mansion, Major Image, Making an Attack, Mammoth, Manannan mac Lir, Manticore, Mantle of Spell Resistance, Manual of Bodily Health, Manual of Gainful Exercise, Manual of Golems, Manual of Quickness of Actions, Marilith, Marvelous Pigments, Mask of Many Faces, Mass Cure Wounds, Mass Heal, Mass Healing Word, Mass Suggestion, Master of Myriad Forms, Mastiff, Math Mathonwy, Maul, Maze, Medallion of Thoughts, Medusa, Meld into Stone, Mending, Merfolk, Merrow, Merrow, Message, Meteor Swarm, Mimic, Mind Blank, Mindfire, Minions of Chaos, Minor Illusion, Minotaur, Minotaur Skeleton, Mirage Arcane, Mire the Mind, Mirror Image, Mirror of Life Trapping, Mislead, Misty Step, Misty Visions, Mithral Armor, Modify Memory, Monk, Monster, Monster List, Moonbeam, Morningstar, Morrigan, Mounted Combat, Mounts and Vehicles, Move Earth, Movement, Mule, Multiclassing, Mummy, Nalfeshnee, Necklace of Adaptation, Necklace of Fireballs, Necklace of Prayer Beads, Nephthys, Net, Night Hag, Nightmare, Nike, Nine Lives Stealer, Njord, Noble NPC, Nondetection, Nonmagical, Norse Pantheon, NPC, Nuada, Oath of Devotion, Oath of Devotion, Oathbow, Object, Ochre Jelly, Octopus, Odin, Odur, Oghma, Ogre, Ogre Zombie, Oil of Etherealness, Oil of Sharpness, Oil of Slipperiness, One with Shadows, Oni, Orb of Dragonkind, Orc, Order of Combat, Osiris, Otherworldly Leap, Otyugh, Owl, Owlbear, Pact Boon, Pact of the Blade, Pact of the Chain, Pact of the Tome, Padded Armor, Paladin, Pan, Panther, Paralyzed, Pass Without Trace, Passwall, Path of the Berserker, Pearl of Power, Pegasus, Periapt of Health, Periapt of Proof against Poison, Periapt of Wound Closure, Petrified, Phantasmal Killer, Phantom Steed, Phase Spider, Philter of Love, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Aggressive, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Ambusher, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Amorphous, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Amphibious, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Assassinate, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Aversion to Fire, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Beast of Burden, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Berserk, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Blood Frenzy, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Brave, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Brute, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Camouflage, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Change Shape, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Charge, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Consume Life, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Cunning Action, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Damage Absorption, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Damage Transfer, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Echolocation, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Electric Generation, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Evasion, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/False Appearance, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Flyby, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Fortitude, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Frightful Presence, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Heated Body, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Heated Weapons, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Hold Breath, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Illumination, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Immutable Form, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Incorporeal Movement, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Inscrutable, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Invisibility, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Keen Sense, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Labryinthine Recall, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Light Hypersensitivity, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Light Sensitivity, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Light Weakness, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Limited Amphibiousness, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Limited Telepathy, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Manipulation Resistance, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Nimble Escape, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Pack Tactics, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Parry, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Pounce, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Rampage, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Reactive, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Reckless, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Regeneration, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Rejuvenation, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Scrying, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Shadow Stealth, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Shielded Mind, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Siege Monster, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Sneak Attack, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Speak with Beasts and Plants, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Spider Climb, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Standing Leap, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Stench, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Sure-Footed, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Swarm, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Teleport, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Trampling Charge, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Transparent, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Tunneler, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Uncanny Dodge, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Wakeful, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Water Breathing, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Web Walker, Phoenix Ash/Teleport Definition, Phoneix Ash/Creature Trait/Web Sense, Pike, Pipes of Haunting, Pipes of the Sewers, Pirate Captain, Pirate Captain NPC, Pirate NPC, Pit Fiend, Planar Ally, Planar Binding, Plane, Plane Shift, Planetar, Plant, Plant Growth, Plate Armor of Etherealness, Plesiosaurus, Poison Spray, Poisoned, Poisonous Snake, Poisons, Polar Bear, Polymorph, Pony, Portable Hole, Poseidon, Potion of Animal Friendship, Potion of Clairvoyance, Potion of Climbing, Potion of Diminution, Potion of Flying, Potion of Gaseous Form, Potion of Giant Strength, Potion of Giant Strength/Cloud Giant, Potion of Giant Strength/Fire Giant, Potion of Giant Strength/Frost Giant, Potion of Giant Strength/Hill Giant, Potion of Giant Strength/Stone Giant, Potion of Giant Strength/Storm Giant, Potion of Greater Healing, Potion of Growth, Potion of Healing, Potion of Heroism, Potion of Invisibility, Potion of Mind Reading, Potion of Poison, Potion of Resistance, Potion of Speed, Potion of Superior Healing, Potion of Supreme Healing, Potion of Water Breathing, Power Word Kill, Power Word Stun, Prayer of Healing, Prestidigitation, Priest NPC, Prismatic Spray, Prismatic Wall, Private Sanctum, Produce Flame, Programmed Illusion, Project Image, Prone, Protection from Energy, Protection from Evil and Good, Protection from Poison, Pseudodragon, Ptah, Purify Food and Drink, Purple Worm, Quarterstaff, Quasit, Quipper, Race, Racial Spell, Raise Dead, Rakshasa, Ranger, Rapier, Rat, Raven, Ray of Enfeeblement, Ray of Frost, Re-Horakhty, Red Dragon Wyrmling, Reef Shark, Regenerate, Reincarnate, Remorhaz, Remove Curse, Repelling Blast, Resilient Sphere, Resistance Spell, Rest, Restorative Ointment, Restrained, Resurrection, Reverse Gravity, Revivify, Rhinoceros, Riding Horse, Ring of Animal Influence, Ring of Djinni Summoning, Ring of Elemental Command, Ring of Elemental Command/Air, Ring of Elemental Command/Earth, Ring of Elemental Command/Fire, Ring of Elemental Command/Water, Ring of Evasion, Ring of Feather Falling, Ring of Free Action, Ring of Invisibility, Ring of Jumping, Ring of Mind Shielding, Ring of Protection, Ring of Regeneration, Ring of Resistance, Ring of Shooting Stars, Ring of Spell Storing, Ring of Spell Turning, Ring of Swimming, Ring of Telekinesis, Ring of the Ram, Ring of Three Wishes, Ring of Warmth, Ring of Water Walking, Ring of X-ray Vision, Robe of Eyes, Robe of Scintillating Colors, Robe of Stars, Robe of the Archmagi, Robe of Useful Items, Roc, Rock Gnome, Rod of Absorption, Rod of Alertness, Rod of Lordly Might, Rod of Rulership, Rod of Security, Rogue, Rope of Climbing, Rope of Entanglement, Rope Trick, Roper, Rug of Smothering, Rust Monster, Saber-Toothed Tiger, Sabre-Toothed Tiger, Sacred Flame, Sahuagin, Salamander, Sanctuary, Satyr, Saving Throw, Scarab of Protection, School of Evocation, Scimitar, Scimitar of Speed, Scorching Ray, Scorpion, Scout NPC, Scrying, Sculptor of Flesh, Sea Horse, Secret Chest, See Invisibility, Seeming, Seizure, Sending, Sentient Magic Item, Sequester, Set, Sewer Plague, Shadow, Shambling Mound, Shapechange, Shatter, Shield Guardian, Shield of Faith, Shield of Missile Attraction, Shield Spell, Shillelagh, Shocking Grasp, Shortbow, Shortsword, Shrieker, Sickle, Sif, Sight Rot, Sign of Ill Omen, Silence, Silent Image, Silvanus, Silver Dragon Wyrmling, Simulacrum, Size, Skadi, Skeleton, Sleep, Sleet Storm, Slimy Doom, Sling, Slippers of Spider Climbing, Slow, Sobek, Solar, Sorcerer, Sovereign Glue, Space, Spare the Dying, Speak with Animals, Speak with Dead, Speak with Plants, Spear, Specter, Spell, Spell Scroll, Spellcasting, Spellguard Shield, Sphere of Annihilation, Spider, Spider Climb, Spike Growth, Spirit Guardians, Spirit Naga, Spiritual Weapon, Spy NPC, Staff, Staff of Power, Steam Mephit, Stinking Cloud, Stirge, Stone Giant, Stone of Good Luck, Stone Shape, Stoneskin, Storm Giant, Storm of Vengeance, Stunned, Succubus, Suggestion, Sun Blade, Sunbeam, Sunburst, Surprised, Surtur, Swarm of Bats, Swarm of Insects, Swarm of Poisonous Snakes, Swarm of Quippers, Swarm of Rats, Swarm of Ravens, Sword of Life Stealing, Sword of Sharpness, Sword of Wounding, Symbol, System Reference Document, Talisman of Pure Good, Talisman of the Sphere, Talisman of Ultimate Evil, Tarrasque, Telekinesis, Telepathic Bond, Teleport Spell, Teleportation Circle, Thaumaturgy, The Fiend, Thief, Thief of Five Fates, Thirsting Blade, Thor, Thoth, Three-­Dragon Ante, Thrym, Thug NPC, Thunderwave, Tiefling, Tiger, Time, Time Stop, Tiny Hut, Titan, Tome of Clear Thought, Tome of Leadership and Influence, Tome of Understanding, Tongues, Tool, Transport via Plants, Trap, Treant, Tree Stride, Tribal Warrior NPC, Triceratops, Trident, Trident of Fish Command, Troll, True Polymorph, True Resurrection, True Seeing, True Strike, Tyche, Tyr, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Uller, Unconscious, Underwater Combat, Unicorn, Universal Solvent, Unseen Servant, Using Ability Scores, Vampire, Vampire Spawn, Vampiric Touch, Veteran NPC, Vicious Mockery, Vicious Weapon, Violet Fungus, Visions of Distant Realms, Voice of the Chain Master, Vorpal Sword, Vrock, Vulture, Wall of Fire, Wall of Force, Wall of Ice, Wall of Stone, Wall of Thorns, Wand, Wand of Binding, Wand of Enemy Detection, Wand of Fear, Wand of Fireballs, Wand of Lightning Bolts, Wand of Magic Detection, Wand of Magic Missiles, Wand of Paralysis, Wand of Polymorph, Wand of Secrets, Wand of the War Mage, Wand of the War Mage/+1, Wand of the War Mage/+2, Wand of the War Mage/+3, Wand of Web, Wand of Wonder, War Pick, Warding Bond, Warhammer, Warhorse, Warhorse Skeleton, Warlock, Water Breathing, Water Elemental, Water Walk, Way of the Open Hand, Weapon, Weasel, Web, Weird, Well of Many Worlds, Werebear, Wereboar, Wererat, Weretiger, Werewolf, Whip, Whispers of the Grave, White Dragon Wyrmling, Wight, Will-o'-Wisp, Wind Fan, Wind Walk, Wind Wall, Winged Boots, Wings of Flying, Winter Wolf, Winter Wolf, Wish, Witch Sight, Wizard, Wolf, Wondrous Item, Word of Recall, Worg, Wraith, Wyvern, Xorn, Young Black Dragon, Young Blue Dragon, Young Brass Dragon, Young Bronze Dragon, Young Copper Dragon, Young Gold Dragon, Young Green Dragon, Young Red Dragon, Young Silver Dragon, Young Silver Dragon, Young White Dragon, Zeus, Zombie, Zone of Truth