5e:Yellow Dragon

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Date Created: 2016.12.28
Status: Semi-finished

Yellow Dragon Overview 
Yellow Dragon
Original File Name: Hokusai_Dragon.jpg
By: Katsushika Hokusai (葛飾北斎) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Image not part of the SRD

Yellow Dragons are a rare Chromatic Dragon species.


Yellow Dragon Description

As their name implies, these dragons are yellow in color. This is normally a very bright yellow, but the existence of a duller yellow coloring has been recorded by the ranger Calvin of Redton.

The odor of ozone surrounds a yellow dragon, whose slender, long, straight horns define its silhouette. Its cheeks are graced by a frill that seems to almost glow from within.


Yellow dragons are known to live in most climes above ground. They are rarely found underground or underwater. Mountaintops, plains, grasslands, salt flats, and glacial plains seem to be a favorite.

Any animal or plant that enters their realm (area they claim) is considered a potential food source. Abrax Conner (known adventurer/sage) suggested that they obtain some of their energy needs from the light of the sun and moon, but no way has been found to test this theory.

Interactions with Other Dragons and Species

While a chromatic dragon, yellow dragons do not usually get along with other chromatic dragons. The reason for this is two fold:

  1. Tiamat does not have a yellow head and does not claim yellow dragons as her own.
  2. Chromatic dragons are usually evil and the yellow dragon's Chaotic Neutral alignment seems to annoy them.

These chaotic dragons love their freedom, and will not willingly bow to any master (be they a Deity or not). They often will play pranks on those who enter an area they claim, but such pranks do not usually lead to death or permanent injury (but often lead to a debt on behalf of the yellow dragon's target).

Yellow dragons often seek out and collect colonies of kobolds and other creatures willing to serve. Such servant creatures are not affected by sunlight sensitivity. It amuses the dragons to be venerated by such creatures, but feels little loyalty to them (treating them well enough to keep them, but not sacrificing anything for them, unless on a whim).

Examples of Yellow Dragons

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