5e:Foloi Centaur

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Source: Rlyehable
Date Created: 2018-06-30
Status: Finished

Foloi Centaur is a subrace of Centaurs.

Parent Race. Centaur Race
Ability Score Increase. No change from parent race, 
Size. They are about 8-9 feet tall (5 foot at the equine back) and about 6 feet long (equine front to back). They weigh about 1500 pounds. Your size is [[SRD5:Large|Large]]
Speed. Your base walking speed is 40 feet. 
Large Centaur Build. (Modifies Equine Build) You do not count as one size larger for carrying capacity and weight for pushing and pulling. 
Hybrid Size. The centaur takes up a space 5 feet wide x 10 feet long x 10 feet high. Range from the centaur is counted from the head (or front 5x5 foot space on a map) rather than from its full body. Example: A spell or class ability that grants advantage to allies within 5 feet, measures from the head and would not benefit an ally directly behind the centaur. Range to the centaur is counted to any part of its body. 
Unstealthy. Foloi centaurs have disadvantage on stealth checks except in woods and forests. 
Custom Barding. Foloi centaurs cannot wear normal armor. They must wear both barding and armor to gain full benefit. If only wearing barding or armor (or the armor is a different type of armor from the barding), the armor class is determined by the lower AC. Dexterity modifier maximum and stealth penalties are determined by the most restrictive armor/barding worn.

Physical Description

Foloi centaurs are about 8-9 feet tall (5 foot at the equine back) and about 6 feet long (equine front to back). They weigh about 1500 pounds.

Height & Weight
Species Base Height Height Mod Base Weight Weight Mod Average
Centaur, Foloi 7' 9" (93") +3d6 1465 lbs. x (1d8) lbs. 8' 11" 1525 lbs.

Calm but Stern

Foloi centaurs pride themselves on their calm demeanor and education. It takes a lot to provoke a centaur, but when they go to war they bring all of their learning and physical prowess to bear.

Foloi centaur society is kind and often forgiving, but their rules are strict. Once judgement is pronounced, centaur society is unbending in enforcing the judgement.

Most races do not interact with Foloi centaurs, but those that do usually get along with them.

Elves, especially, get along with centaurs. The elves have a story of the creation of centaurs:
Long ago, before the elves left the Feywild, a group of humans riding a horses wandered into the Feywild. A Fey Lord saw this and angered the Fey Lord, who thought it was unnatural. They Fey Lord cursed them so that they would ever be one. The elves took pity on the former humans and taught them the ways of the Feywild.
The Centaurs dispute this story and their written history has a story of its own. Centaurs, it says, have been in the Feywild since its creation. They saw the rise of the elves and other fey creatures. It saw the elevation of the Fey Lords. When the elves left the Feywild, some of the centaurs also left to see and learn about the strange new lands.
The difference in stories, however, has put no strain between elves and centaurs, as both have agreed not to discuss it with each other.

Of Forest and Plain

Most Foloi centaurs live in the forests and plains of the Feywild. However, a good many have crossed over to the natural world. Here they also live mainly in forests and plains. Most centaurs like to keep close to home, building small villages. But some individuals (or even small herds) can be found in other terrain.

Foloi Centaur Names

Foloi centaurs have personal names, but no family name. Foloi centaur adventurers often forgo their given name and choose a name for themselves from the local language.

Male Names: Agrios, Ankhios, Chiron, Elatos, Eurytion, Hylaios, Nessus, Pholus, Rhoikos
Female Names: Asbolis, Daphnis, Hippotia, Hylonome, Elaios, Isoples, Oreis, Phrixis

Sources Notes

  • user:Rlyehable
  • Modified from unofficial Centaur by same author. Rlyehable 2016-11-22.
  • Modified with respect to changes from UA Centaur to the Ravnica Centaur. Rlyehable 2018-12-02.

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