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{{Contributions|Player's Handbook (5e)}}
242 articles
Adult Vicious Drake, Adult Yellow Dragon, Ancient Vicious Drake, Ancient Yellow Dragon, Aranea, Artifice Assistant, Asher, Atlatl, Azure Fungus, Bal-Oon, Belt of Wrestling, Bladesinger Archmage NPC, Bola, Brigandine, Cat-o'-Nine-Tails, Centipede, Chicken, Cold Iron, Conjure Creature, Conjure Minor Creature, Copper Hawk, Crane, Dazzled, Dragon Hatchling, Dragonbone Ingester, Dragonborn Template, Dread Centipede, Dread Centipede Spore Servant, Drow Template, Duelist NPC, Duergar Template, Duskken, Dwarf Template, Eladrin Template, Eldritch Knight Veteran NPC, Elemental Weird, Elf Template, Enemy Knowledge, Enkki, Enkki Common, Enkki Sorcerer, Enkki/Alternate Wild Magic Surge Table, Epperi, Exotic Weapon, Fae Badger, Fae Beast, Fae Beast Template, Fae Owl, Fae Panther, Fae Rat, Fearmonger, Fey Troll, Fey Unicorn, Flying Monkey Aerialist, Foloi Centaur, Forest Gnome Common, Forest Gnome Template, Froghemoth Juvenile, Gargantuan Swarm of Psycadas, Ghost Scavver, Ghostwise Template, Giant Ant Soldier, Giant Scorpion Exoskeleton, Giff Race UC, Githyanki Astral Cavalry, Githyanki Sarth, Gnoll Race, Gnolloch, Gnolloch Bandit NPC, Gnome Common, Gnome Template, Goblin Template, Goblin Weird, Grick Wyrmling, Grick Wyrmling Swarm, Hadozee Shipmage, Half-Elf Template, Half-Orc Template, Halfling Template, Hamster, Harpoon, High Elf Guard NPC, High Elf Lineage, High Elf Template, Hill Dwarf Template, Huge Swarm of Psycadas, Infiltrator, Jade Assassin Vine, Kasa, Kiss of Vanti, Klarg, Kobold Dragon-Blessed, Kopru, Ktip, Kuo-toa Race, Lacedon, Large Swarm of Psycadas, Lightfoot Common, Lightfoot Template, Lightfoot Template, Lizardfolk Liberator, Longshanks, Longshanks Template, Longspear, Lotusden Template, Lythari Lineage, Mammoth Spider, Mass Mage Armor, Medium Swarm of Psycadas, Mist Walker, Monkey Common, Mountain Dwarf Template, Mubrai, Mystic Geometrist, Night Domain, Nightstalker, Nightstalker/Artificer, Nightstalker/Barbarian, Nightstalker/Bard, Nightstalker/Cleric, Nightstalker/Druid, Nightstalker/Fighter, Nightstalker/Monk, Nightstalker/Paladin, Nightstalker/Ranger, Nightstalker/Rogue, Nightstalker/Sorcerer, Nightstalker/Warlock, Nightstalker/Wizard, Ongar Teuth, Pale Slaad, Palid Elf Template, Performer, Phanaton Common, Phanaton Race, Phanaton Warrior, Phoenix Ash, Phoenix Ash/Ability Score, Phoenix Ash/Character Advancement, Phoenix Ash/Character Creation, Phoenix Ash/Character Type, Phoenix Ash/Creature, Phoenix Ash/Creature Subtype, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Chameleon Camouflage, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Diminished Sense, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Manipulative Appendage, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Mobility, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Musk Spray, Phoenix Ash/Creature Trait/Power of Speech, Phoenix Ash/Creature/List, Phoenix Ash/Day, Phoenix Ash/Kanid, Phoenix Ash/Proficiency, Phoenix Ash/Quim, Phoenix Ash/Size, Phoenix Ash/SRD5 Adaptation, Phoenix Ash/Trait, Phoenix Ash/Weapon, Phoenix Ash/Woolf, Phoneix Ash/Creature Trait/Natural Armor, Pivot, Pixil Swarm, Psycada, Rabbit, Racial Weapon, Rakasta, Rlyehable/Sandbox/4, Rlyehable/Sandbox/5, Rlyehable/Sandbox/6, Rlyehable/Sandbox/7, Rlyehable/Sandbox/Rage Caster, Rlyehable/Sandbox/Weft, Rlyehable/Sandbox/Weft/Rules Changes, Rock Gnome Alt, Rock Gnome Template, Sanbru Dusken Assassin NPC, Sand Dwarf, Sand Dwarf Template, Sand Slip, Sand Spill, Sandbru, Scout Construct, Sea Elf Template, Sea Monkey, Shadar-kai Common, Shadar-kai Template, Shadow, Shadow Spell, Shock, Shocked, Shuriken, Skeleton Template, Skitter, Skitter Swarm, Small Swarm of Psycadas, Snowman, Spectre Magi, Stone Stalker, Stout Template, Summoner, Svirfneblin Template, Swarm of Bones, Swarm of Tritails, T'killi, T'killi Elves, Thri-kreen Exoskeleton, Tiefling Template, Travel Domain, Tritail, Triton Shorespeaker, Troglodyte Progen, Troll Skeleton, Troll Zombie, Ursoi Rat, Venerable Dragon, Vesper Shadeson, Vicious Drake, Vicious Drake Wyrmling, Warforged Veteran, Warrior Martial Archetype, Wasp, Way of the Divine Path, White Rabbit, White Rabbit/NPCs/Pappa Poe, Wild Magic Sorcerer NPC, Wood Elf Template, Wyldfolk, Wyldfolk Badger, Wyldfolk Lineage, Wyldfolk Owl, Wyldfolk Panther, Wyldfolk Poisonous Snake, Wyldfolk Rat, Wyldfolk Template, Xvart Verminster, Yellow Dragon, Yellow Dragon Wyrmling, Yellow Dragonborn, Young Vicious Drake, Young Yellow Dragon, Zombie Template
245 articles
Actor, Alert, Arawai, Arcane Gate, Arcane Trickster, Armor of Agathys, Arms of Hadar, Assassin, Athlete Feat, Aura of Life, Aura of Purity, Aura of Vitality, Aureon, Auril, Azuth, Balinor, Bane Deity, Banishing Smite, Battle Master, Beast Master, Beast Sense, Beory, Beshaba, Bhaal, Bibdooolpoolp, Blade Ward, Blight Creature, Blinding Smite, Boccob, Boldrei, Branchala, Celestian, Character Creation, Charger, Charlatan, Chauntea, Chemosh, Chislev, Chromatic Orb, Circle of Power, Circle of the Moon, Cloud of Daggers, College of Valor, Compelled Duel, Conjure Barrage, Conjure Volley, Cordon of Arrows, Criminal, Crossbow Expert, Crown of Madness, Crusader's Mantle, Cyric, Dark Elf, Defensive Duelist, Deneir, Destructive Wave, Dissonant Whispers, Dol Arrah, Dol Dorn, Dual Wielder, Dungeon Delver, Durable, Eadro, Ehlonna, Eldath, Eldritch Knight, Elemental Adept, Elemental Weapon, Ensnaring Strike, Entertainer, Erythnul, Feign Death, Fharlanghn, Folk Hero, Forest Gnome Subrace, Friends, Gilean, Gladiator Background, Gond, Goristro, Grasping Vine, Great Weapon Master, Grolantor, Guild Artisan, Guild Merchant, Habbakuk, Hail of Thorns, Healer, Heavily Armored, Heavy Armor Master, Heironeous, Helm, Hermit, Hex, Hextor, Hiddukel, Hruggek, Human Variant, Hunger of Hadar, Ilmater, Incabulos, Inspiring Leader, Istus, Iuz, Keen Mind, Kelemvor, Kiri-Jolith, Knight Background, Knowledge Domain, Kol Korran, Kord, Lathander, Leira, Lernaea, Lich/Lair, Light Domain, Lightly Armored, Lightning Arrow, Linguist, Lliira, Loviatar, Lucky, Lunitari, Mage Slayer, Magic Initiate, Majere, Malar, Martial Adept, Mask, Medium Armor Master, Mielikki, Milil, Mishakal, Mobile, Moderately Armored, Morgion, Mountain Dwarf, Mounted Combatant, Myrkul, Mystra, Nature Domain, Nerull, Noble, Nuitari, Oath of the Ancients, Oath of Vengeance, Obad-Hai, Observant, Oghma, Olidammara, Olladra, Onatar, Outlander, Paladine, Pelor, Phantasmal Force, Pholtus, Pirate Background, Polearm Master, Power Word Heal, Ralishaz, Rao, Ray of Sickness, Reorx, Resilient Feat, Rillifane Rallathil, Ritual Caster, Sage, Sailor, Sargonnas, Sarula Iliene, Savage Attacker, Savras, School of Abjuration, School of Conjuration, School of Divination, School of Enchantment, School of Illusion, School of Necromancy, School of Transmutation, Searing Smite, Selune, Semuanya, Sentinel, Shar, Sharpshooter Feat, Shevarash, Shield Master, Shinare, Silvanus, Sirrion, Skerrit, Skilled, Skoraeus Stonebones, Skulker, Soldier, Solinari, Solonor Thelandira, Spell Sniper, Spy Background, St. Cuthbert, Staggering Smite, Stout, Sune, Swift Quiver, Talona, Talos, Tarsellis Meunniduin, Tavern Brawler, Telepathy (spell), Tempest Domain, Tempus, Tharizdun, The Archfey, The Devourer, The Fury, The Great Old One, The Keeper, The Mockery, The Shadow, The Traveler, Thorn Whip, Thunderous Smite, Torm, Tough, Trickery Domain, Trithereon, Tsunami, Tymora, Tyr, Umberlee, Urchin, War Caster, War Domain, Waukeen, Way of Shadow, Way of the Four Elements, Weapon Master, Wee Jas, Wild Magic, Witch Bolt, Wood Elf, Wrathful Smite, Zeboim, Zivilyn